



Pirates of the Caribbean
The Curse of the Black Pearl

Brief Introduction:


Chapter 13

Barbossa placed a consoling (安慰的) hand on the monkey, which whimpered (呜咽)as his master told the tale.

“But there is one way to end the curse,” Barbossa said, raising an eyebrow (眉毛). “All the scattered (散落的) pieces of the Aztec gold must be restored (归还) ... and the blood repaid (偿还血债).”

“Ten years we searched, looting (抢劫) ship and port, sifting (筛查) through our plunder (掠夺物) for it all!” He looked at the medallion lovingly. “And now, thanks to you, we have the final piece. Once we’ve reunited it with its mates, we are free.”

Elizabeth thought for a moment. “And the blood to be repaid?” she asked. “What of it (那有什么关系)?”

Barbossa looked at her and smiled. “Apple?” he asked her. Elizabeth was stunned (惊呆的). She suddenly realized that it was her blood he wanted.

Horrified (惊骇的), Elizabeth bolted out (冲出去) of her chair. She struggled (搏斗) for a moment with Captain Barbossa, then reached for a table knife (餐刀) and plunged (插入) it into his chest. The captain calmly looked at the wound, and to Elizabeth’s shock, no blood came from it.

Terrified, Elizabeth ran from the cabin to the deck of the ship. There in the moonlight she saw the crew of the Black Pearl at work and froze. She shut her eyes tightly.

Captain Barbossa came up on deck and grabbed her. “Look!” he shouted. “The moonlight shows us for what we really are!”

Elizabeth opened her eyes and saw the pirates at their stations, coiling (卷起) the lines and raising the black sails. They sang an old sea chantey (水手歌) as they worked, but where the moonlight fell across their bodies, Elizabeth saw nothing but the bones of skeletons (骨架)!

The skeletal (骸骨的) monkey, holding the medallion, shrieked and jumped onto Captain Barbossa’s shoulder. “We are not among the living,” Barbossa said as two skeletons played a pirate tune, “and so we cannot die!” He leaned into the moonlight, turning his face into a fleshless (无肉的) skull.

The captain took a bottle of wine from an open case (箱子) by the cabin door and uncorked (拔去塞子) it with his teeth. He raised it as if in a toast (祝酒) to Elizabeth. 

“You’d best start believing in ghost stories, Miss Turner,” Barbossa advised as he drank straight from the bottle, the wine gushing out (喷涌出) from between his empty ribs (肋骨). “You’re in one.”

The Interceptor was as fast as Jack had hoped, and with a favoring (有帮助的) wind it could log (航行) a fair distance (很远的距离) in a day’s run. Jack reckoned (猜想) they were now only a few miles from Tortuga, where he knew he could find himself an able crew.

Jack was surprised at how quickly Will had taken to being a sailor. “I worked passage (在船上做工抵船费) from England as a cabin boy (船上的侍者),” Will explained. “After my mother passed (过世), I came out here looking for my father ... Bill Turner.”

“That so?” asked Jack slyly (狡猾地).

“You knew my father,” Will said to Jack. “It was only after you learned my name at the jail that you agreed to help.”

Jack sighed and considered what story he might tell Will, but then decided to tell him the truth. “I knew him,” he said. “Most everyone just called him Bill ... Bootstrap Bill (系带王·比尔).”

“Bootstrap?” said Will, surprised.

“Good man,” answered Jack. “Good pirate.”

Will looked shocked. “It’s not true that my father was a pirate!” he declared. “He was a merchant marine (商船船员)! A respectable (品行端正的) man who obeyed the law (遵守法律)!”

“Ah, there’s quite a few who come out here hoping to amass (积聚) enough swag (掠夺物) to ease the burdens (减轻负担) of respectable life ... and they’re all merchant marines,” said Jack with a knowing (狡猾的) smile.

“My father did not think of his family as a burden!” argued Will.

“Sure, because he could always go pirating!” Jack said.

“My father was not a pirate!” exclaimed Will, pulling out his sword.

“Put it away,” Jack said to Will in a dull (沉闷的) voice. “It’s not worth getting beat again.” When Jack saw that Will was going to push the point (把剑刺出), he turned the wheel of the Interceptor hard, and the boom (吊杆) whipped around and struck Will in the chest.

Will held on as the boom carried him out over the foaming (冒着泡沫的) sea. “As long as (既然) you’re just hanging there,” said Jack, picking up Will’s sword, “pay attention. You can accept that your father was a pirate and still a good man—or you can’t. Now me, I can let you drown ... but I can’t land this ship at Tortuga without your help.”

A wave came up and almost cost Will his grip (几乎让威尔失手跌落). “So ...,” Jack said, pointing the sword at Will, “can you sail under the command of (在…的指挥下) a pirate or not?”

With the island of Tortuga lying dead ahead and Jack’s sword pointing at him, Will agreed. Jack swung the boom around, and Will set his feet back on (重新回到) the deck. Then Jack flipped (掷) him his sword and smiled.

Together, they trimmed (整理) the forward jib (船首三角帆) and readied (准备好) the mooring lines (系缆). The Interceptor would soon arrive in Tortuga.

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