剧场:沐沐ABC | 经典童话英语小剧场
剧名:卖火柴的小女孩 | The Little Match Girl
Matches for Christmas!”
It's a cold winter night.
A girl is selling matches for Christmas.
She has no boots.
She has no mittens.
She has no coat for the cold, cold winter.
No one seems to listen.
No one seems to look.
No one seems to care about what she's saying.
She looks up.
The stars are shining so bright.
She looks around.
The snow is falling on the ground.
She starts to walk.
And she finds a house full of happy faces.
The mommy is smiling.
The daddy is laughing.
And the three little children are singing a song.
“Oh, how happy they look!
I wish I had a nice family of my own, too!”
The match girl feels so cold.
And she feels so lonely.
The match girl lights one match.
She sees a stove.
But the stove soon goes away.
“Stay here with me!” she shouts.
The match girl lights another match.
She sees a Christmas cake.
But the Christmas cake soon goes away, too.
“Come back!” she cries.
The match girl lights all the matches.
She sees her grandmother this time.
“Grandma! Take me to Mommy!” cries the match girl.
Her grandmother smiles and hugs her tight.
“Don't worry,”says her grandmother.
“We will be together from now on.”
The match girl holds her grandmother's hand.
And she follows her grandmother.
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