Ours is essentially a tragic age, so werefuse to take it tragically. The cataclysm has happened, we are among theruins, we start to build up new little habitats, to have new little hopes. Itis rather hard work: there is now no smooth road into the future: but we goround, or scramble over the obstacles. We've got to live, no matter how manyskies have fallen.
This was more or less Constance Chatterley'sposition. The war had brought the roof down over her head. And she had realizedthat one must live and learn.
Connie was in love with him, but shemanaged to sit with her embroidery and let the men talk, and not give herselfaway. As for Michaelis, he was perfect; exactly the same melancholic,attentive,aloof young fellow of the previous evening, millions of degreesremote from his hosts, but laconically playing up to them to the required amount,and never coming forth to them for a moment. Connie felt he must have forgottenthe morning. He had not forgotten. But he knew where he was...in the same oldplace outside, where the born outsiders are. He didn't take the lovemakingaltogether personally. He knew it would not change him from an ownerless dog,whom everybody begrudges its golden collar, into a comfortable society dog.
The final fact being that at the verybottom of his soul he wasan outsider, and anti-social, and he accepted the factinwardly, no matter how Bond-Streety he was on the outside. His isolation was anecessity to him; just as the appearance of conformity and mixing-in with thesmart people was also a necessity.
So I love chastity now, because it is thepeace that comes of fucking. I love being chaste now. I love it as snowdropslove the snow. I love this chastity, which is the pause of peace of ourfucking,between us now like a snowdrop of forked white fire. And when the realspring comes, when the drawing together comes, then we can fuck the littleflame brilliant and yellow, brilliant. But not now, not yet! Now is the time tobe chaste, it is so good to be chaste, like a river of cool water in my soul. Ilove the chastity now that it flows between us. It is like fresh water andrain. How can men want wearisomely to philander. What a misery to be like DonJuan, and impotent ever to fuck oneself into peace, and the little flamealight, impotent and unable to be chaste in the cool betweenwhiles,as by ariver.
译本有:饶述一,湖南文艺出版社1991年,1986年 杨恒达、杨婷,北京燕山出版社2009年 黑马(毕冰宾),中央编译出版社2010年。 张佳玮,江苏文艺出版社2017年 其他译者有: 赵苏苏,人民文学出版社2006年 欧佩媛,英属维京群岛商高宝国际出版2007年 冯铁,河南文艺出版社2008年 杨恒达、杨婷,北京燕山出版社2009年 雍穆贝勒,中国华侨出版社2009年 黑马(毕冰宾),中央编译出版社2010年 先子,山东文艺出版社2013年 赵苏苏,新星出版社2014年。11月26日
1780420trzh 回复 @开心007qrb1: 黑马(毕冰宾),中央编译出版社2010年 我在网上把这个彩蛋的中文搜了一下,发现是和这个译本符合的
霞光_0y 回复 @Sabrina_79: 就不是他读的,放的别人的录音
珍惜生命_sb 回复 @czl阿司匹琳: 说的有道理!