


最近看了《奇遇人生》春夏那一期,讲她和阿雅跟着一个storm chaser,也就是专业追龙卷风的人,一起去追风。可惜到最后,他们也没有追到。

但Storm chaser Martin却给我留下了很深的印象……

[ 英文文本参考 ]�

Storm chasing is broadly defined as the pursuit of any severe weather condition, which can be used for scientific investigation, news, media coverage, and so on.�

And a person who chases storms is known as a storm chaser, or simply a chaser.�


So one of the funnest things of storm chasing that I get to experience a lot, is if I don’t see a tornado, then on the back side of the storm, I can see kind of beautiful colors like this, and it’s truly wonderful. So you should not focus on the tornado, but rather enjoy all of it. It’s like a big giant buffet.�

Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.

[ sth. that counts: 某件事有价值、重要 ]�

“It would be nice if all of the data which sociologists require could be enumerated because then we could run them through IBM machines and draw charts as the economists do. However, not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.”

Remember, you’re in charge of your life.�

  • 笙歌初寒Cute


  • 王婷_dm6


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @王婷_dm6:

  • fairydream


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @fairydream: 哈哈太理解

  • 云朵_vww


    听友141714503 回复 @云朵_vww: 我也是

  • 撸铁喵

    一下课就来听 啦啦啦啦啦

    Zoey朱珠 回复 @撸铁喵:

  • 声音甜美的静静


  • 15037790prk

    Its like a gaint buffet

  • 听友96084372

    not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted

  • g3lj6gfuwhv55c29d48q


    g3lj6gfuwhv55c29d48q 回复 @g3lj6gfuwhv55c29d48q: 求告知

  • 13619153rrg

    我的梦想之一 便是拥有像主播这样的发音