四方舞入门 第三课Basic 3 口令 5a 5b 8b 9 181206 Square Dance

四方舞入门 第三课Basic 3 口令 5a 5b 8b 9 181206 Square Dance


Basic 3


    5a、Promenade half way:Heads Promenade half way做Sides前进后退让位。反之亦然。

5b、Promenade Single File/ Single File Promenade:单列排成一个纵列

8b、Weave the Ring:Right and Left Grand 一个家族。不同:不拉手。右肩过,左肩过。

    9、Right-Hand Star/ Left-Hand Star/ Hand Star Left做一个星转,以手为轴转起来,指定四个人做,或者指定两个人做。



Bow the Partner, Bow the Corner

Join hand Circle to the Left  Circle to the Left  go around  Circle to the Right

Drop hands Single File Promenade

Face your center  join hand circle to the Left  go around home

Circle to the Right  Right  Right Circle to the Right

Drop hands Single File Promenade

Everybody Left-Hand Star

All the way round go there when you go back home stop home

Heads go Forward and come Back

ALL Sides go Forward and come Back

Sides Right-Hand Star turning go back home

Heads Right-Hand Star in turning go back home

ALL four girls left-hand star in turning around go when find your partner swing your partner

Stop all four boys Left-Hand Star went to your partner swing your partner then take your partner Promenade center back home home go when you back home

Heads Promenade Single File half way round

Sides Promenade Single File half way

All four boys make Right-Hand Star turning his boys look his corner Allemande Left  give right your partner Right and Left Grand Promenade come back home go back home there back home there

Face your corner Allemande to corner come back Left to corner Weave the Ring dont touch right left right left  Dosado with your partner

Promenade go round come back come go


