2018国庆作业点评2018-10-03 10:20

2018国庆作业点评2018-10-03 10:20




There is something graceful about awell-made hurricane lamp, especially the antique ones. Mom had affection forthem.

I can remember __1__ through countlessflea markets for hurricane lamps, which are __2___to keep their light litthrough the _

The spring after Mom’s first __5__ withcancer, we went to a local craft fair to pass the time, to keep __6__. We werestill waiting to hear from the doctors on the __7__ of her follow-uptests.__8__ to search something for my mom, I bounded ahead of her and babybrother as they __9__ along the tables. I didn’t __10__ far before somethingcaught my eye. Standing proud on the display table sat a lamp.

I was excited, as I __11___back throughthe crowd to my mom. “Mom! You have to see something!” I shouted. “__12__. Ithink I’m going to get these lamps. What do you think?” She __13___so I couldsee them but I didn’t even look at them. “You’ve got to see what I foundfirst,” I __14__her through the
fair. When she saw the lamp, she picked upthe lamp __15__, running her fingers over the学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯! bowl, over the hurricane glass, and __16__it closely. “See this?” She pointed at a very small mark in the glass. “The oneat home has the same mark.” She smiled. It was the first time I had seen her__17__ smile since the doctors first found the cancer.

When the lamp __18__ in our house, nextto its mate, she cried. She went to light the lamps and sit on their glow untilshe could sleep. Years later, I understood her __19__ for those lamps, throughthe darkest moments of her life. Mom was my hurricane lamp. She was inextinguishable(永不熄灭的)— through the darkest moments. She lit my way without __20__. She still does.

1. A. seeing            B. finding             C.living            D. searching

2. A. designed          B. allowed            C. decided            D. evolved

3. A. happiest           B. coldest              C. busiest                    D. hardest

4. A. group          B. double               C.pairs                D. packs

5. A. acquaintance     B. battle                 C.knowledge        D. appointment

6. A. busy                B. merry                C. leisure              D. easy

7. A. results         B. discussions           C.procedures        D. processes

8. A. Arranged          B. Determined        C.Required          D. Permitted

9. A. wondered         B. wandered          C. ran                  D. hung

10. A. manage it      B. do it                        C. makeit            D. carry it

11. A. jumped           B. leaped              C. walked             D. raced

12. A. Hang on         B. Hang about        C.Hang around     D. Hang up 

13. A. held them on    B. held them up      C.held them back   D. held them down

14. A. grabbed          B. moved              C. dragged            D. caught

15. A. typically         B. immediately       C.occasionally      D. hesitantly

16. A. inspecting       B. looking学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!           C. testing              D. knocking

17. A. finally            B. deliberately        C.lastly               D. truly

18. A. took its way     B. took its place    C.took its control   D. took its name

19. A. anxiety           B. care                  C. need                D. worry

20. A. fail                 B. sadness             C. pain                 D. tear

第二部分 阅读理解


For anincreasing number of students at American universities, Old is suddenly in. Thereason is obvious: the graying of America means jobs, coupled with the aging ofthe baby-boom generation, a longer life span means that the nation’s elderlypopulation is bound to expand significantly over the next 50 years. By 2050, 25percent of all Americans will be older than 65, up from 14 percent in 1995.Thechange poses profound questions for government and society, of course. But italso creates career opportunities in medicine and health professions and in lawand business as well. “In addition to the doctors, we’re going to need moresociologists, biologists, urban planners and specialized lawyers,” saysProfessor Edward Schneider of the University of Southern California’s (USC)School of Gerontology(老年学).

Lawyerscan specialize in “elder law”, which covers everything from trusts and estatesto nursing-home abuse and age discrimination. Businessmen see hugeopportunities in the elder market because the baby boomers, 74 million strong,are likely to be the wealthiest group of retirees in human history. “Anystudent who combines an expert knowledge in gerontology with, say, an MBA orlaw degree will have a license to print money,” one professor says.

MargariteSantos is a 21-year-old senior at USC. She began college as a biology major butfound she was “really bored with bacteria.” So she took a class in gerontologyand discovered that she liked it. She says, “I did volunteer work in retirementhomes and it was very satisfying.”

21.With the aging of America, lawyers can benefit ________.

A. fromthe adoption of the “elder law” 

B. frompresenting their professional services to the elderly

C. byenriching their professional knowledge

D. bywinning the trust of the elderly to promote their own interests.



22. Whocan make big money in the new century according to the passage?

A.Retirees who are business-minded. 

B. Thevolunteer workers in retirement homes.

C.college graduates with an MBA or law degree.

D.Professionals with a good knowledge of gerontology.

23. Whycan businessmen gain profit in the emerging elder market?

A.Retirees are more generous in spending money.

B. Theycan employ more gerontologists.

C. Theelderly possess an enormous purchasing power.

D.There are more elderly people working than before.


No one has a temper naturally sogood, that it does not need attention and cultivation, and no one has a temperso bad, but that, by proper culture, it may become pleasant. One of the bestdisciplined tempers ever seen, was that of a gentleman who was naturally quick,irritable, rash, and violent; but, by taking care of the sick, and especiallyof mentally deranged(疯狂的) people, he so completelymastered himself that he was never known to be thrown off his guard.

There is no misery so constant,so upsetting, and so intolerable to others, as that of having a character whichis your master. There are corners at every turn in life, against which we mayrun, and at which we may break out in impatience, if we choose.

Look at Roger Sherman, who rose froma humble occupation to a seat in the first Congress of the United States, andwhose judgment was received with great respect by that body of distinguishedmen. He made himself master of his temper and cultivated it as a great businessin life. There are one or two instances which show this part of his characterin a light that is beautiful.

One day, after having receivedhis highest honors, he was sitting and reading in his sitting room. A student,in a room close by, held a looking­glass in such a position as to pour thereflected rays of the sun directly in Mr Sherman's face. He moved his chair,and the thing was repeated. A third time the chair was moved, but thelooking­glass still reflected the sun in his eyes. He laid aside his book, wentto the window, and many witnesses of the rude behavior expected to see theungentlemanly student severely punished. He raised the window gently, andthen—shut the window blind!

I can not help providing anotherinstance of the power he had acquired over himself. He was naturally possessedof strong passions, but over these he at length obtained an extraordinarycontrol. He became habitually calm and self­possessed. Mr Sherman was one ofthose men who are not ashamed to maintain the forms of religion in their families.One morning he called them all together as usual to lead them in prayer to God.The “old family Bible” was brought out and laid on the table.

Mr Sherman took his seat an学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!d placed beside him one of his children, achild of his old age. The rest of the family were seated around the room,several of whom were now grown­ups. Besides these, some of the tutors of thecollege were boarders in the family and were present at the time. His agedmother occupied a corner of the room, opposite the place where the distinguishedJudge sat.

At length, he opened the Bibleand began to read. The child who was seated beside him made some littledisturbance, upon which Mr Sherman paused and told it to be still. Again hecontinued but again he had to pause to scold the little offender, whose playfulcharacter would scarcely permit it to be still. At this time he gently tappedits ear. The blow, if blow it might be called, caught the attention of his agedmother, who now with some effort rose学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯! from the seat and tottered across the room.At length, she reached the chair of Mr S学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!herman, and in a moment, most unexpectedly tohim, she gave him a blow on the ear with all the force she could gather. “There,”said she, “you strike your child, and I will strike mine.”

For_a_moment,_the_blood_was_seen_mounting_to_the_face_of_Mr_Sherman.But it was only for a moment andall was calm and mild as usual. He paused; he raised his glasses; he cast hiseye upon his mother; again it fell upon the book from which he had beenreading. Not a word escaped him; but again he calmly pursued the service, andsoon sought in prayer an ability to set an example before his household whichshould be worthy of their imitation. Such a victory was worth more than theproudest one ever achieved on the field of battle.

24.The following sentence should be put at the beginning of Paragraph _____

The difference in the happinesswhich is received by the man who governs his temper and that by the man whodoes not is dramatic.

A. Two              B. Three         C. Four           D. Five

25.How is the passage mainly developed?

A. By analyzing reasons.                 B. By giving examples.

C. By listing arguments.                  D. By comparing facts.

26.What was Roger Sherman's attitude towards his aged mother?[来源:Z*xx*k.Com]

A. Grateful.         B. Skeptical.       C. Tolerant.        D. Sympathetic.

27.What can we learn about Roger Sherman?

A. He came from a distinguishedfamily background.

B. He was not good at displayinghis true inner feelings.

C. He severely punished a studentwho didn't behave himself.

D. He was a man conscious of theconsequences of his behavior.

28.What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?

A. Mr Sherman's face was coveredwith blood.

B. Mr Sherman was seekingstrength in prayer.

C. Mr Sherman was then on thepoint of exploding.

D. Mr Sherman was ashamed of hismother's rude behavior.

29.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. Control your temper                B. Save your self­esteem

C. Mind your manners                 D. Treasure your Bible


Generally,laughter is related to a number of beneficial effects. Among humans, laughteris often expressed in babies as early as 4 months old. At this time, it usuallyoccurs in response to the behavior of the caregiver. As the child grows older,the child begins to be joined in behaviors, which are intended to raiselaughter in others. It’s believed that the purpose of this development processis to establish social relationships in addition to gaining feedback as to whattypes of behavior should be strengthened or discouraged. Indeed, most laughteroccurs when we are actually in social situations.

Asidefrom promoting social bonding, research has found that social laughing has alsohelped people physically. For example, it activates the release of endogenousopiates, chemicals which can reduce feelings of pain and have a relaxingeffect, decrease the production of stress hormones (激素)andmake the lung work better. Additionally, laughter has psychological benefits.It reduces stress, anxiety, tension, embarrassment, worry, frustration andanger. It’s good for individuals like nurses, firefighters and soldiers becausetheir work requires them to deal with terrible events or injuries.

Whatmakes us laugh? Usually, the cause is something silly or negative (e.g.watching puppies play, violating a rule). It’s also common for people to findhumor in tragedies; in this respect, laughter serves as a coping mechanism (应对机制).

Somepeople like professional comedians intentionally set themselves up to the targetof laughter. However, when laughter is directed at others, it's important thatthe generated laughter is not aggressive. Sometimes people laugh for thepurpose of laughing at another or making another feel ashamed or stupid. Insuch instances, the laughter isn’t performed in “good fun”,butat the cost of an individual who will be hurt by it. In these instances, the“laugher’s” behavior is harmful.

Somepeople are particularly sensitive and have a fear of being laughed at or madeto appear silly. This fear has been identified as gelotophobia (恐笑症).Althoughit isn’t always pleasant to be the object of the joke, the effect this has onpeople ranges across individuals. For those who are highly gelotophobic, theirconcern about their performance in public may result in anxiety, shame,avoidance of social situations and low self-respect.

Sohow do you know whether laughter in a certain situation will produce a positiveor negativeresult? Onefactor to bear in mind is to know how the targetof laughter will feel. Finally, very little good comes from intentionallyhurting people who are vulnerable.       Butwhat about laughing in social situations where the target isn’t present ordoesn’t mind? Even in such cases, laughing can sometimes have a negative resultif you have no awareness of how the others who are present will react. Overall,although laughter has a number of benefits, in some situations it can ''cutlike a knife.'' Be careful!

Laughter can be a double-edged sword


(1)        _____of laughter

● Laughter pushes people to build social relationship with others.

● Laughter signals one’s (2)        ____of the appropriate behaviors.

Benefits of laughter

● Laughter has beneficial (3)        ____effects, such as reducing the feeling of pain or making the lung work better.

● Laughter can also help people (4)        ____. For example it reduces people’s stress’ anger, tension and so on.

(5)        ____with laughter

● Laughing is a harmful behavior if a person hurts others (6)       

● Laughter can be bad for highly gelotophobic people, making them feel anxious, (7)        ____from social situations and even lose self-respect.

(8)        ___on laughing

● (9)        ___to consider the feelings of the target of the laughter.

● Be aware of the possible (10)        ___of the people present even if the target is absent.





















一、完型填空:1-5. DADCB    6-10. AABBC    11-15. DABCB    16-20. ADBCA

二、阅读理解:  21-23 BDC     24-29 ABCDCA

三、任务型:1.Function(s)       2. approval/acceptance/acknowledgement/support       3. physical 4.psychologically/mentally5.Problems 6. intentionally/purposely/deliberately /consciously 7. withdraw 8.Advice(Suggestions/Tips)

9.Remember 10.reaction(s)response(s)



