




1.Jack always dreams of his song _________, so that he can make a fortuneovernight.

A. hanging on                  B.catching on               C. moving on                D. holding on

2. Thepupils in our school like reading after lunch, most of _________ seated on thegrass unless it rains.

A. them                           B.whom                      C. that                          D. who

3.---Why are you standing in the street in such hot weather?

  ---I just can’t help it. I am appointed tointerview people _________ to learn about the customers’ feedback on ourproducts.

A. at random                    B.at hand                     C. at best                      D. at intervals

4. Itis never easy for graduates to find their ideal jobs, where in addition to_________ necessary knowledge, they are required to have some relatedexperience.

A. be equipped with                                      B.being equipped with 

C. equip with                                               D.equipping with

5. Ourgovernment has tried every means to make children enjoy the equal right toreceive education, _________ their financial situation.

A. in terms of                   B.on behalf of                     C.regardless of             D. in view of

6.Housing prices _________ since the end of last year. Therefore, it’s time thecentral government _________ some effective measures to bring them undercontrol.

A. have increased; would take                        B. have increased; willtake

C. have been increasing; takes                        D. have been increasing;took

7.Little Tom was frozen with fear when the accident happened, so he just gavesome ________ answers when asked about what he witnessed.

A. concrete               B.abundant

8.---It was such a difficult examination that a lot of students were unable tofinish it on time.

  ---That’s the cas
e. It’s hard to accept the fact that over 90%of my classmates _________.

A. should fail            B.should have failed            C. will fail             D. may fail

9.This medicine is quite beneficial to your recovery after the operation, _____you take it as told.

A. unless                          B.providing                 C. considering               D. since

. ---Have you heard that our primary schoolwill be torn down next year?

   ---Really? I suppose it is such bad news_________ most of its former and present students will feel upset about.

A. that                      B.which                      C. as                            D. what

11._________ the danger of travelling on the lonely island, they would not betrapped now.

A. Have they been informed of                      B. Were they informed of

C. Should they be informed of                       D. Had they been informedof

12. Tobe an artist is not easy. But sometimes dreams can be a rich source of _______for an artist.

A. occasion               B.identification            C. inspiration                D. occupation

13. Itis reported that a new shopping mall will be built in ________ was farmland adecade ago.

A. what                           B.which                      C. where                      D. that

14.Mr. Green is always devoted to his work and has a sense of responsibility.That’s why he was asked to _________ the company when the manager’s health wasdeclining.

A. take over                     B.hand over                 C. turn over                  D. trip over

15.Even great minds _________, so we don’t need to underestimate ourselves.

A. are the apple of their eye                                  B. have theirfeet of clay

C. are in the red                                            D. are green with envy


  Jane Austen has often been considered a womanwho led a narrow, inhibited life and who rarely traveled. These assertions arefar from the truth. Jane Austen traveled more than most women of her time andwas quite involved in the lives of her brother, so much that it ofteninterfered with her writing. Like most writers, Jane drew on her experiencesand her dreams for the future and incorporated them into her writing. Hercharacters reflect the people around her; the main characters reflect parts ofherself. In Sanse and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice, Elinor Dashwood andElizabeth Bennet reflect aspects of Jane Austen and dreams she had that werenever fulfilled.

Thebiographies about Jane Austen describe the facts of her life in a step-by-stepmanner. They tend to be repetitive since she did not leave behind a rich fabricof day-to-day life. Yet Jane Austen is known not because of the factual detailsof her life; she is not remembered two hundred years after her death becauseshe had six siblings and was a wonderful aunt to her nieces and nephews.Rather, Jane Austen is remembered because of what she wrote. Only throughreading her literature does one get a taste of the real Jane Austen, the JaneAusten who dreamed and made plans for the future that failed to materialize.Only by analyzing June Austen’s characters do we get an understanding of thetrue author.

Senseand Sensibility’s Elinor Dash wood mirrors June Austen’s strait-laced sense ofpropriety and her concern and care about family members. For example, after herfather died, Jane managed to get herself through and send her father’s pocketcompass and pair of scissors to her brother Frank as a memento of their father.Elinor in Sense and Sensibility is the sister who holds down the family anddiscusses the practicality of situations. She too distributes cherishedmementos of her father when he dies. Elinor is the sister who is concerned withthe welfare of her relations and takes it upon herself to look after theirwell-being.

Janecan also be considered the backbone of her family. After she dies, the familyis not as close as they were during her lifetime. Jane became very close withtwo of her nieces, Fanny Austen and Anna Austen. She counseled them on men andmarriage when they reached the age of choosing a suitor. She often helped withdelivering her sister-in-law’s babies. During her thirties, she lived with herbrother Frank for several weeks. She cooked the meals for his family and caredfor his children while his wife was confined to her bed. Like the character shecreates in Elinor, she slicks by her family and helps them when they need her.

Austen’slife closely parallels that of Elizabeth Bennet in Pride, and Prejudice. Austenbegins the novel with the line, “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that asingle man in possession of u fortune, must be in want of a wife”. Thisstatement reflects the opinion of the time that a woman had to be married orelse she had no social standing. Just as Elizabeth and her sisters feel immensepressure to get married and procure a good match, so too did Jane. Until shewas twenty-five she still retained a small spark of hope that she would one daymarry and have children.

Themost significant similarity between Jane and Lizzy is their close relationshipswith their sisters. Jane and her sister Cassandra were extremely close. Whenthey moved into a house in Chawton, they shared a bedroom. They were dependentupon each other and supported each other in all aspects of their lives. Theysupported each other’s decisions and wrote to each other when apart. Lizzy andher older sister Jane were extremely close. They too supported each other’sdecisions and were always there for the other. They discussed suitors andmarriage just as Jane and her sister must have done.

Allof Jane’s female characters end up happily married, a state Jane herself neverfelt. A woman was defined in terms of her husband; if she did not marry, shehad nothing. Well into her twenties, Jane still had dreams of getting married.When she was twenty-five, Harris Bigg-Wither, a brother of her good friends,proposed marriage to Jane. At first she accepted: she would become mistress ofa large estate, and be able to ensure the comfort of her parents to the end oftheir days. Most importantly, she would have children and raise a family of herown. The next day, however, Jane reneged the proposal. She did not love him anddid not want a marriage based on nothing but money. After this proposal, Janegave up all hopes of ever having a family of her own. Instead, she fulfilledher dreams through her characters and found “passion” through them. All hercharacters marry for love (which happens to also be financially advantageous).They make Jane’s dreams become a reality within her imagination.     . As children reflect upon theparents and often mirror aspects of their parents, so too did many of Jane’scharacters mirror herself and the people around her.

1. Whatdo we know about Jane Austen from first 2 paragraphs?

A. Contrary to common belief, Janetravelled a lot with her brother.

B. The main characters in her novelsreflect the people around her.

C. The biographies about Jane are soboring as to lack appeal to the public.

D. Jane is remembered 200 years afterher death mainly because of her works.

2.Which of the following is not the evidence of Jane’s care about family members?

A. Jane distributed her father’s allcherished momentos to her relations.

B. Jane gave her nieces advice on menand marriage for a right suitor.

C. Jane took the responsibility to attendto her brother’s family.

D. Jane did her part when hersister-in-law gave birth to babies.

3. Whatcan be inferred from paragraph 5?

A. Austen’s life closely parallels thatof Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice.

B. Unlike Elizabeth, Jane felt littlepressure to get married.

C. Marriage is the top priority for awoman of that time.

D. Jane firmly believed that she wouldmarry and have children when 25.

4.Which sentence can be put into the blank in last paragraph?

A. All of her female characterseventually have their own children.

B. She devoted all her life to writingnovels, never stopping.

C. She often referred to her novels asher “own darling child”.

D. Without any children of her own, shelived through her characters.

5.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Jane Austen and her life

B. Feminism in Jane Austen’s works

C. Jane Austen—the greatest authoress in19th century

D. Real Jane Austen and her characters


Manybelieve that personality is nothing more than basic characteristics andfeatures that make us different from others. But surprisingly scientificstudies have linked personality types with considerable health risks. Accordingto studies from the university of Nottingham and the University of California,personality types can shape our immune systems as a deciding factor fordiseases we are more likely to come down with participants in these studieswere grouped and identified by various common personalities. Researchersdiscovered certain personality types were more likely to develop diseases,while others were not.

If you’re an extrovert(性格外向者),you'relikely to be outgoing, social and energized by being around others. It's goodnews that studies find extroverts have stronger immune systems. However,extroverts are more likely to suffer from higher blood pressure and cancers. toprevent these health problems, you should limit your late nights out to ensureyou get enough rest overall restrict junk food and sugar intake as much aspossible, and increase intake of vitamins and minerals by eating plenty ofvegetables.

    If you find yourself nodding along to avoidconflicts or are easily persuaded, you probably have an agreeable personalitytype by nature. However, agreeable personalities should also heed(留心)theirdoctors recommendations since they re more likely to suffer from short-termdiseases. you may suffer from-increased stress, often caused by agreeing torequests you shouldn’t have, or overweight possibly caused by giving in to theover-generous mature of others. To avoid these problems, you should learn tosay no when you need to take care of yourself and release stress by taking thetime to relax your mind and body.

    Contrary to what you may be thinking now,woes are not at as much risk of health issues as you may think there are twobroad categories of worriers: ones who are extremely worried and others who areworried in a healthy way. Thankfully, most of us are on the healthy side!However, those who are extremely worried are more likely to develop depressiondue to excessive worry. What's more, their increased stress from habitualworrying can lead to overeating, drinking, and smoking. If you're a worrier,you can calm down your mind by trying practicing yoga every day if you start tofeel down, remember to concentrate on the positive- in life.

Inshort, you don’t need to change your personality to live a much healthier life.you just take note of the associated risks and follow specific health tips tomitigate(减轻)them.

Personality and health



◆Personality not only (1)_______________ us from others. but also affects our health.

◆Certain personality types are(2)_______________to some diseases while others are more likely to develop them.

Health risks

posed by three


types and


on reducing them





◆(4)____________ their stronger immune systems, extroverts are more likely to suffer from serious illness.

◆They should not go out late at night too(5)_________________.

◆They should try their best to cut junk food and sugar intake and consume lots of vegetables to increase intake of vitamins and minerals.

◆People with agreeable personalities tend to feel stressed and gain (6)____________.

◆They should learn to(7) ________________when they need to take care of themselves.

◆They should take the time to relax mentally and physically.

◆Excessive worriers tend to feel depressed and fall into bad(8)________________.

◆They can practice yoga on a daily (9)_____________________to calm down their mind.

◆They should remember to focus on positive things in life.


◆You don’t need to change your personality type, but should notice the risks posed by it and take specific(10)____________________against them.




1.differentiate/tell/distinguish     2. immune   3. tips/suggestions/advice   4. Despite

5. frequently/often       6. weight       7 refuse   8 habits      9 basis   10.measures/steps/action(s)

