004 兑换货币

004 兑换货币

365天英语口语大全 旅游英语
  • Kathy瑗

    1. Is this the currency exchange center? 2. Could you exchange this into dollars? 3. What's the current exchange rate? 4. Any denomination will do. 5. How much can I get in cash?

  • Kathy瑗

    6. Is the exchange rate likely to rise or fall? 7. Please break this into smaller bills for me. 8. Do you charge for handling? 9. I'd like to cash some traveler's checks.

  • Alice_uxb

    What’s the exchange rate today? 今天的汇率是多少? According to the present rate, one Chinese yuan in cash is equivalent to 0.16 US dollars. 根据目前的汇率,1块钱可以兑换0.16美金 I see。 Here are the 10 thousands yuan 我明白了. 这是1万块钱 It comes to 1647 US dollars Come to 这个短语是共计的意思. 它共计1647美金

  • Alice_uxb

    我听了这篇文章后做了记录,分享给大家:1.    Is this the currency exchange center? 这里是货币兑换处吗? Could you exchange this into dollars? won, Could you exchange this into won? 你能把这换成美元吗? What is the currency exchange rate? 目前的汇率是多少?

  • Alice_uxb

    Would you please show me passport? 您能出示一下您的护照吗? Here you are 给你 Thank you, how would you like your money 谢谢你。您想要什么面额的钱呢? Any denomination  l#dɪ,nɒmɪ'neɪʃ(ə)nr# will do 任何面额的都可以 Here is your money 这是您的钱 Please sign your name on this exchange memo

    海边的捕风汉子 回复 @Alice_uxb: 勤快热心的爱丽丝小朋友!

  • 听友122050370


  • 余亚军_80

    A: Good afternoon,May i help you? B: Yes, I'd like to change some RMB and US dollars, What's the exchange rate today? A: Acrroding to present rate, One Chinese yuan can cash is equal to 0.16 US dollars B: I see, here are the 10 thousands yuan.

  • 主播赵依依

    04: 1. 这里是货币兑换处吗? Is this the currency exchange center? 2. 您能把这换成美元吗? Could you exchange these into dollars? 3. 目前的汇率是多少? What’s the current exchange rate? 4. 什么面额的都行。 Any denomination will do. 5. 我可以换到多少现金? How much can I get in cash?

  • 主播赵依依

    6. 汇率可能会升还是会降? Is this exchange rate likely to rise or to fall? 7. 麻烦帮我兑换成零钱。 Please break this into smaller bills for me. 8. 你们收手续费吗? Do you charge for handling? 9. 我要兑换一些旅行支票。 I’d like to cash some traveler’s checks.

  • 就这样吧1别想太多


    猫粒儿lj 回复 @就这样吧1别想太多: 美式