1. What tours do you offer? 2. Which route is the most popular? 3. Where will the tour go? 4. How long does the tour last? 5. I'll have two weeks vocation time. Can you recommend a few American cities?
6. I saw in your brochure that you offer tours to the Maldives. 7. What's the best time to visit Thailand? 8. In July, is it better to travel Thailand or Maldives. 9. When is the off-season there? 10. Could you introduce the three different Thailand travel deals to me?
15: 那里的物价高吗? Are things there expensive? 16: 这个旅行要多少钱? How much is the tour? 17: 包括保险吗? Is insurance included? 18: 食宿情况是怎样的? What about room and board? 19: 四人同行有优惠吗? Is there a discount for four people traveling together?
世芳111 回复 @主播赵依依: 有文本吗
下雨天_Wv 回复 @1562032klju: 在淘宝有
11. Could you give me more specific information? 12. Do you have a Chinese-speaking guide? 13. What's the weather like in California? 14. Is there anything we should be aware of? 15. Are things there expensive? 16. How much is the tour? 17. Is insurance included? 18. What about room and board?
英语乐园 回复 @拾荒大桥: 买的书,没有电子版
7: 什么时候去泰国最合适? what's the best time to visit Thailand? 8: 七月份去泰国还是马尔代夫合适? In July, is it better to travel to Thailand or the Maldives? 9: 那里什么时候是淡季? when is the off season there? 10: 您能帮我介绍这三个泰国旅游套餐吗? Could you introduce the three different Thailand travel deals to me?
11: 您能帮我详细介绍一下吗? Could you give me more specific information? 12: 你们有说中国话的导游吗? Do you have a Chinese speaking guide? 13: 加州的天气怎么样? what's the weather like in California? 14: 有什么是我们要注意的吗? Is there anything we should be aware of?
听友222418562 回复 @听友68405966: 支持