沈复在《浮生六记》里说,秋日远足,最好迷失而不知归途。浪漫的意境。挑个凉爽晴好的日子,约上好友郊野小游,在山野小径中疾步而行,或徐徐慢走。旷野山气氤氲,林中虫鸟啁啾,一路闲谈小憩,分享食粮与水,一二时辰便能登至峰顶,凭栏远眺,美景言欢,实在别有一番秋趣。【地道美语068】秋日远足·Going for a hike in autumn
Dialogue : (课堂全文本于微信公众号【英语PK台】课后发送,参与直播互动中译英练习需加京晶微信goingforgold2018 拉入群
Dialogue 1
Mark: Well,Jingjing, we sure picked a nice day for a hike.
Jingjing: Yeah, this reminds ---------went up to the Great Wall.
Mark: Right. I can't believe a year-------of the city. This'll take us rather alot longer to get to the top.
Jingjing: How long is the climb?
Mark: Youknow, I didn't time it when I was here before. -------------
Jingjing: We'd better get started, then. You lead the way.
Mark: -----------------------------------
Jingjing: Can we see the top from here?
Mark: We cansee the ridge. We won't see the summit until we get upthere.
Jingjing: Ok, then. Let's pace ourselves.
Mark: You'repacking water, right?
Jingjing: Now you ask me? ------------I didn't have any?
Mark: Ithink there's some for sale at the village up ahead, but I'm not sure. -------------
Jingjing: Not to worry. I have four or five bottles in my backpack. That's what's making it so heavy.
Mark: Ok. ---------------------------
Jingjing: I'm just glad to be out of the concrete jungle, --------cool-but-not-coldweather for our climb.
dialogue 2
Later, Jingjingand Mark are more than halfway up.
Jingjing: Mark, you said the summit is just over this ridge. ----------
Mark: Yep. We still have a ways to go. It's only steep in a few places.
Jingjing: -------------- Wecan already see a lot from here.
Mark: ---------------------------------
Jingjing: Nope. If it's just a half an hour, I'm all for gettingto the top. There's a place to sit up there, right?
Mark: Sure. There's a deck. ------------------
Jingjing: Wow, that was worth it. We can see Beijing from here.
Mark: I'mabout ready to eat. ----------------we stopped.
Jingjing: Here's what I have. Did you bring much.
Mark: Youbet. Help yourself.
Jingjing: Great. ----------------way we came up?
Mark: Wecould. There's a gentler way, but it's a lot longer.
Jingjing: ------------------- Myfeet are aching.
Mark: Thenit's better to go down the long way. ----------The climb took a lot outof me.
Jingjing: Haha. Let's not talk about hiking for now.
new words andphrases
from dialogue 1
time (v) pay attention to how long something takes
summit thehighest point on a mountain
pace ourselves don'twalk too quickly, save some energy
concrete jungle thecity, without green spaces
from dialogue 2
breather abreak, stopping to catch one's breath
all for totallyin favor of
took a lot out ofme made me exhausted,used up all of my energy/talent
The loving person makes other people feel good,and he is usually a happy person himeself.
like it so much!
京晶 你和马可在一起做节目,让人感觉到生活都美好啦。