18 The end of Magwitch's story(7)

18 The end of Magwitch's story(7)


I was delighted for Wemmick,but I could not stop worrying about Magwitch.He had been so badly injured that he was moved to the prison hospital,where I visited him every day.I read to him, and talked to him, and did everything I could to make him comfortable. But day by day I watched him becom-ing weaker,although he never complained.To the prison guards he was a dangerous criminal, but to me he was an un-fortunate man,who had at least some goodness in him.I could not leave him now.
At his trial Jaggers was proved right. The judge decided that Magwitch,a convict sent away for life who had returned,must be hanged.I could not accept this terrible punishment,and wrote to all the important people I could think of, asking for mercy for Magwitch.But all of them refused to help.

