



Onthe fourth Thursday in November, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. Thecelebration is 1._____ in the ancient tradition of the harvest festival, but inthe United States, it has taken a far greater 2._____. Although there are3._____ regional claims as to where the first Thanksgiving was celebrated, thetraditional 4._____ ______ from a celebration that took place in Massachusetts,in November, 1621.

ThoseEnglish settlers who celebrated that first Thanksgiving truly did have much5.____ ____ to be thankful. Known today as the Pilgrims, these Christians were6._____ from the established English church. As part of their religious beliefsthey observed Days of Fasting and Days of Thanksgiving in response to eventsthey believed to be special acts of 7._____. The end of a drought, or of a8._____, might call for a day of Thanksgiving.

9._____onsetting up a community wherein they could live according to their own religiousbeliefs, they sailed out of England on a ship called the Mayflower in September1620. One hundred and two 10._____ ____ and some 30 crew came ashore at CapeCod on November 9th. Within a year, half of them were dead due to 11._____,disease and the harsh weather conditions of that first winter. But the summerbrought a good harvest, and in autumn, 53 Pilgrims sat down to a 12._____ with90 of their neighbors, Wampanoag Indians who had helped feed and safeguard themover their first year in the New World.

Althoughthe holiday had been 13._____ in Virginia since the first 14._____ ____ wasfounded in Jamestown in 1609, modern Thanksgiving was first officiallyestablished in all states in 1863, by a 15._____ _____ of Abraham Lincoln. The16._____ was moved to the fourth week in November by President Franklin DelanoRoosevelt.

Thanksgivingbegan as a 17._____ _____ _____ by emigrants who faced death, who neverthelesscame through and 18._____. Today, for many Americans it is an occasion forgatherings of family and friends; a day to share a holiday meal with those whomatter the most; and a day to give thanks for the many 19._____ _____ _____.


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