


1.    Just today, I found a newpicture in my phone of me sleeping in my bed. I live alone.

2.    My boyfriend patted me on theback in the middle of the night and said “baby, why are you breathing soheavily?” the only problem was, I wasn’t.

3.    I enter the empty elevator andpush the button for my floor. As the doors close I feel a hand covering mymouth.

4.    You gethome, tired after a long day’s work and ready for a relaxing night alone. Yousit down on the couch and reach for the light switch, but another hand isalready there.

5.    The lastthing I saw was my alarm clock flashing 2:07 before she pushed her long rottingnails through my chest, her other hand covering my mouth and muffling myscreams. I suddenly sat up straight, relieved it was only a dream and I was inmy own bed. But as I saw my alarm clock read 2:06, I heard my closet door creakopen.

6.    I begintucking him into bed and he tells me, “Mommy, check for monsters under my bed.”I pet his head and say “ok, ok”. I look underneath for his amusement and seehim, another him, under the bed, staring back at me shaking and whispering, “Mommy,there’s somebody on my bed.”

7.     Last nighta friend rushed me out of the house to go to a party. After a few drinks Irealized my phone wasn't in my pocket. I checked everywhere and had no luck. SoI used my friend's phone to call mine. After two rings someone answered, gaveout a low raspy giggle, and hung up. They didn't answer again. I eventuallygave it up as a lost cause and headed home. I found my phone laying on my nightstand, right where I left it.

8.     I hadalways wondered why my cat Mitzy cried when I left her alone at night. And thenshe died. The night after we buried her I woke up to the feeling of someonetouching my hair and a rough voice close to my ear whispering “good kitty.”

Wedon’t fear the dark itself, we fear what’s in the dark, the unknown. We fearthe monsters and ghosts we don’t know exist or not. Our minds create andimagine horrible things out of fear that aren’t even there and don’t exist. That’show myths and legends are formed. Don’t bescared of the monsters, just look for them. Look to your left, to your right,under your bed, behind your dresser, in your closet, but never look up, shehates being seen. 

  • 六月海带


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @六月海带: 下面有文本哦

  • L梁祝Z


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @L梁祝Z: 柯南君怎么能害怕呢? 真相不止一个哦˜

  • Fenwaye


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @Fenwaye: 谢谢Fenwaye

  • ZhengKuang

    I looked up and I saw her! There was a roof window on my ceiling. I saw her reflection standing behind me with long hairs covering her face. I suddenly turned around. But I saw nobody only a long shadow of myself.

    英语主播璐璐 回复 @ZhengKuang: She always finds a way to creep in...

  • lprod

    第一句good evening我就吓着了

    英语主播璐璐 回复 @lprod: 要的就是这效果

  • 兔子洞里的爱丽丝


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @兔子洞里的爱丽丝: 抱抱˜

  • 思玮_civi_9h


  • 方亮广州

    look up那句吓死人好吧

    英语主播璐璐 回复 @方亮广州: 意不意外,惊不惊喜?

  • 王九九0909


  • 沐若晴晴
