


Famous Brits  (2) – Agatha Christie  阿婆的故事 The Queen of Crime


Prolific writer 高产作家 (1890-1976)


GuinnessWorld Records listsChristie as the best-selling novelist of all time. Her novels have sold roughly2 billion copies.

(According to her estate) her works come third in therankings of the world's most-widely published books, behind only Shakespeare's works and the Bible.



Famous works


The Only crime writer that created two equally successful characters –


-Hercule Poirot  大侦探波洛  -

  “rely on the little gray cells in the brains”(French/Belgian)

-MissMarple  马普尔小姐   

   “One does see so much evil in avillage.”

(modelled on maternal grandmother)


Famousin China

-Murder on the Orient Express 东方快车谋杀案

-Death on the Nile 尼罗河惨案

-And Then There Were None 无人生还


And Then ThereWere None is Christie'sbest-selling novel, with 100 million sales to date, making it the world'sbest-selling mystery ever, and one of the best-selling books of all time.

2015 BBCminiseries



A successful play


Christie's stage play The Mousetrap opened in the West End on 25 November 1952, and as of March 2018 is stillrunning after more than 27,000 performances.


West End theatres dimmed their lights for Agatha Christie’s death.



Her inspiration:


Unline many other writers, she was a teetotaller/non-smoker


--Her little notebooks


    she used to write her notes instudents’ exercise books


--Her understanding of poison


   She was trained as a nurse and a pharmacist and hadlifelong interest in poison.


--Archaeology 考古学


   Her second husband was a quitefamous archaeologist.


  “I married an archaeologist, because the older I grow themore he appreciates me.”


The Detection Club (formed in 1930) 英国侦探俱乐部


-      A group of British mysterywriters  



Her disappearance:


-Married her first husband Archie in 1914 (24 years old)


-Found out her husband was cheating on her with another woman in 1926 (Age36)


-December 3, 1926, had a fight with him and disappeared for 10 days


-Her disappearance was featured on the front page of New York Times,many volunteers joined in the search.


-December 14, she reappeared in a hotel in Harrogate (registered underthe surname of her husband’s lover and claimed to have no memory of the tendays.)


-Her autobiography made no referenceto the disappearance, so it remained a mystery.


-She got divorced in 1928 and married again in 1930 to an archaeologist.






Very few of us are what we seem.



Check out these videos and texts:


A Very British Murder with Lucy Worsley (BBC documentary)


Doctor Who episode – The Unicorn and The Wasp (Season 4, Episode 7)


And Then There Were None (BBC miniseries) 2015


Agatha Christie’s SecretNotebooks


  • o鑫妈讲故事o


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @o鑫妈讲故事o: 安澜是伦敦人

  • 暮空潭

    I love “Toward Zero”and “Nemesis”, very impressive novels.

    英语主播璐璐 回复 @暮空潭: 哈哈,你看了电视版的Miss Marple吗?

  • ting丸子


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @ting丸子: 嗯,关键词有时候我会说的,下面文本一般会有一些中文,其他的没有附中文是因为希望养成大家不依赖双语材料/中文翻译的习惯哦

  • 霏霏_sf


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @霏霏_sf: 很高兴你能喜欢小酒馆的节目!

  • 小橙兔


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @小橙兔: 这样是最好的!语言本来就是非常有趣的,也是打开更加广阔世界的大门

  • 初晓微芒_6q


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @初晓微芒_6q: 你最喜欢哪一本?

  • xiaonanhe

    很久没有听到这么好听的女性的中低音了,稍带沙哑,有磁性,英语发音堪比英文词典,关键是她会把重点词汇翻译一下,帮助理解topic内容。男主播肯定是个老外,但是当璐璐老师英文时,听不出她不是老外😁。太厉害了(ง •̀_•́)ง,以后就当睡前故事听了。太享受啦!

  • wkforevercn

    阿婆 我的最爱 没有之一

  • 小俊的账号


  • 听友52545713


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @听友52545713: 嗯嗯,语言本来就不是孤立存在的呢