鲁迪·朱利安尼 访谈

鲁迪·朱利安尼 访谈



Rudy Giuliani

Journalist:  Are we prepared for a chemical or biologicalattack in this city?

Giuliani:  We’re as prepared as we can be.

Journalist:  Some scientists we’re talked to say the drills are not going to do a bit of good for thisreason, that we will not know that there’s been an attack of anthrax or small pox untildays later.

Giuliani:  Well that’s why you have to have a monitoringsystem, an early warning system. You have to keep track of your hospitals, youhave to keep track of your doctors, you have to keep track of your pharmacies, you have to pick up any unusualnumber pf cases in which the early symptomsare being recorded and the reality is that, hopefully you can pick it up. Andpeople should relax about it and calm down about it rather than getting overexcitedabout it. We should not be overexciting people about this, we should be makingthem calm. Everything is being done that can be done. There are certain thingsthat you just have to accept as risks in life and then go about your life andlead it. Look at these people, they’re all out here. They’re not afraid, they’repart of you know, the land of the free and the home of the brave. And they’regoing to go about and they’re going to lead their lives, and these arepossibilities, let the scientists, the President, the governor, the mayor, themilitary and everybody else worry about it and go about your life and live it.







