


Smiles have a sound,and it’s contagious


The next time you catch yourself smiling during a phone conversation,just because,ask the person on the other end of the line whether they’re smiling,too.According to a small study from cognitive-science researchers in Paris,there’s a strong possibility that one person smiled,and the other“heard”it,then mimicked the gesture.


In other words,not only do smiles have a sound,but it’s contagious.Smiles,we’ve long known,are a universal human signal.They are understood across cultures and“pre-programmed,”as a professor of psychology at Knox College in Illinois,once explained to Scientific American.People who are born blind smile in the same way as the sighted,and for the same reasons,he said.


In 2008,scientists in the UK found that people don’t even need to see a smile to perceive it.We can pick out the sound of different types of smiles when merely listening to someone speak.Now,this research suggests that not only can we identify what the study authors call the“spectral signature of phonation with stretched lips”or“the smile effect”in speech,but that it seems to register on an unconscious level.And—as with the visual cue—it inspires imitation.


To conduct their experiments,the Paris researchers first recreated the smile’s auditory signature digitally,creating software that adds a smile to any recorded voice.They then outfitted 35 participants with electrodes attached to their facial muscles to see whether they could detect the sound of a smile in recorded French sentences—some of which were manipulated to include the effect,others not.Their results showed that not only could the listeners most often hear the enhancement,even when they consciously missed a smile,their zygomaticus-major muscles prepared to grin in response to it.


1.mimicked [mimikt]
v. 模仿

2.gesture ['dʒestʃə]
n. 姿态;手势

3.contagious [kən'teɪdʒəs]
adj. 感染性的;会蔓延的

4.perceive [pə'siːv]
v. 察觉,感觉

5.spectral ['spektr(ə)l]
adj. 幽灵的; 光谱的

6.cue [kjuː]

7.imitation [ɪmɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n]
n. 模仿,仿造

8.auditory ['ɔːdɪt(ə)rɪ]
adj. 听觉的;耳朵的

9.outfit ['aʊtfɪt]
vt. 配备;供应

10.electrode [ɪ'lektrəʊd]
n. 电极

11.enhancement [ɪn'hɑːnsm(ə)nt; en-]
n. 增加;放大

12.zygomaticus [,zaigə'mætikəs]
n. 颧肌

