


Low levels of air pollution linked to changes in the heart


Regular exposure to even low levels of air pollution may cause changes to the heart similar to those in the early stages of heart failure,experts say.A study of 4,000 people in the UK found those who lived by loud,busy roads had larger hearts on average than those living in less polluted areas.This was despite the fact people in the study were exposed to pollution levels below the UK guidelines.Researchers called on the government to reduce air pollution more quickly.


A team of scientists,led from Queen Mary University of London,analyzed health data of people who had no underlying heart problems and were part of the UK Biobank study,including the size,weight and function of their hearts.Researchers also looked at the pollution levels in the areas they lived in.Their study found a clear link between exposure to higher pollution levels and larger right and left ventricles-important pumping chambers in the heart.


For every extra one microgram per cubic metre of PM2.5-small particles of air pollution-and for every 10 extra micrograms per cubic metre of nitrogen dioxide,the heart enlarged by about 1%.The changes were comparable to being consistently inactive or having elevated blood pressure,said Dr Nay Aung,who led the study’s data analysis."Air pollution should be seen as a modifiable risk factor,"he said."Doctors and the general public all need to be aware of their exposure when they think about their heart health,just like they think about their blood pressure,their cholesterol and their weight."Dr Aung said the changes in the heart were small and potentially reversible.But he said the fact any change at all was detectable suggested even relatively low levels of air pollution may have a harmful effect on health.

在每立方米的PM2.5(空气污染的小颗粒)中,如果增加1微克,以及每立方米二氧化氮中增加10微克,心脏就会扩大约1%。该研究的数据分析负责人Nay Aung博士说,这些变化与持续不活动或血压升高相当。“空气污染应被视为可改变的风险因素,”他说。“医生和普通大众在考虑自己的心脏健康时,都需要了解自己的暴露程度,就像他们考虑血压,胆固醇和体重一样。”Aung博士说,这些心脏的变化很小,而且可能是可逆的。但他表示,这些变化可以被检测到表明,即使相对较低的空气污染水平也可能对健康产生有害影响。

1.underlying [ʌndə'laɪɪŋ]
adj. 潜在的;根本的

2.ventricle ['ventrɪk(ə)l]
n. 室;心室

3.pumping chamber

4.cubic ['kjuːbɪk]
adj. 立方体的,立方的

5.particle ['pɑːtɪk(ə)l]
n. 颗粒

6.nitrogen ['naɪtrədʒ(ə)n]
n. 氮

7.modifiable ['mɒdɪ,faɪəbl]
adj. 可修饰的;可更改的

8.cholesterol [kə'lestərɒl]
n. 胆固醇

9.reversible [rɪ'vɜːsɪb(ə)l]
adj. 可逆的;可撤消的

