


Being fat won’t kill you


Being fat doesn’t necessarily mean you’re unhealthy,according to a new study.Researchers at York University in Toronto found that obesity alone doesn’t increase your risk for mortality unless it’s coupled with another metabolic risk factor,such as high blood sugar or high levels of bad cholesterol.


“This is in contrast with most of the literature,”Jennifer Kuk,an associate professor of kinesiology at York University,writes in a press release.She says previously,most studies defined“healthy”obesity as having up to one metabolic risk factor—which is an issue,since conditions like high blood sugar and bad cholesterol increase mortality risk for anyone,skinny or fat.“This is likely why most studies have reported that‘healthy’obesity is still related with higher mortality risk,”she says.


The study looked at data of 54,089 men and women from five large studies,and divided them into two groups:those who were obese and had no metabolic risk factors,and those who were obese and had metabolic issues such as elevated glucose,blood pressure or lipids.


Researchers then looked at how many people in each group died,and compared their numbers to the death rate for average-weight folks who had no metabolic risk factors.“We found that a person of normal weight with no other metabolic risk factors is just as likely to die as the person with obesity and no other risk factors,”Kuk says.According to their findings,“individuals with metabolically healthy obesity are actually not at an elevated mortality rate.“This means that hundreds of thousands of people in North America alone with metabolically healthy obesity will be told to lose weight when it’s questionable how much benefit they’ll actually receive,”she concludes.


1.obesity [ə(ʊ)'biːsɪtɪ]
n. 肥大,肥胖

2.metabolic [,metə'bɒlɪk]
adj. 变化的;新陈代谢的

3.cholesterol [kə'lestərɒl]
n. 胆固醇

4.in contrast with

5.glucose ['gluːkəʊs; -z]
n. 葡萄糖

