



多渠道扩大学前教育供给increase the supply of pre-school education through multiple avenues

无论是公办还是民办幼儿园,只要符合安全标准、收费合理、家长放心,政府都要支持。The government will support all kindergartens that meet safety standards, charge reasonable fees, and have the trust of parents, regardless of whether they are public or private.

办好民族教育、特殊教育、继续教育provide quality ethnic minority education, special needs education, and continuing education

抓好义务教育教师工资待遇落实strictly ensure the full payment of pay packages to teachers working in compulsory education



推进一流大学和一流学科建设continue efforts to develop world-class universities and world-class disciplines

国家财政性教育经费占国内生产总值比例继续保持在4%以上Government budgetary spending on education will remain above 4 percent of GDP.

中央财政教育支出安排超过1万亿元Central government spending on education will exceed one trillion yuan.

努力办好人民满意的教育,托起明天的希望provide education that our people are happy with, to do justice to our hope for tomorrow



居民医保人均财政补助标准增加30元Government subsidies for resident medical insurance will be raised by an average of 30 yuan per person.

降低并统一大病保险起付线lower and unify the deductible line for serious disease insurance

大病患者、困难群众people with serious diseases and people living in poverty

着力缓解这一民生痛点ease this pain that affects people's lives



预防筛查preventive screening

定点医院designated hospitals

即时结算settle their bills straight away

切实便利流动人口和随迁老人make things easier for the migrant population and the elderly people who accompany them to cities

促进社会办医encourage the development of privately-run hospitals



远程医疗服务remote medical care services

基层医护人员community medical workers

提升分级诊疗和家庭医生签约服务质量improve services provided both under the tiered diagnosis and treatment model and by contracted family doctors

坚持预防为主Prevention will continue to be our priority.

财政补助经费government subsidies



支持中医药事业传承创新发展。We will support the preservation, innovation, and development of traditional Chinese medicine.

药品疫苗攸关生命安全,必须强化全程监管。Drugs and vaccines protect lives. We must strengthen the entire process of their regulation from production to use.

对违法者要严惩不贷,对失职渎职者要严肃查办We will bring lawbreakers to justice, and investigate negligence and the dereliction of duty and hold the guilty to account.

推进多层次养老保障体系建设build a robust multilevel aged-care social protection system

