
1个回答2024-08-12 12:48
4)300 50 15000

5) 120度 钝 周 平

6)< > =

7)3002**** 3002**** 2030**** 3028****

(1)× (2)× (3)√ (4) √ (5) ×


(1)C (2) B (3) =
1个回答2024-02-09 07:31
1个回答2022-12-05 21:12










0个回答2022-10-07 21:45
1个回答2024-02-22 11:39
儿童听力障碍首先经过医院客观听力检测做诊断,目前常见的客观听力测试有脑干诱发电位(ABR)、耳声发射、多频稳态(ASSR)、声导抗,影像学检查有CT等。通过客观测试可以获得听敏度值,但由于缺乏特异性,电生理值往往高于主观听力阈值,且记录的是脑干或皮层反应电位,因此客观听力测试不能全面反映小儿的真实听力。 主观听力测试经过整个听觉通路,能全面反映孩子的真实听力状况,但是受到小儿状态、配合的影响,因此对测试人员的要求非常高。对于儿童,主、客观听力测试不能互相替代,国内听力专家建议儿童听力评估应是儿童行为测听、客观听力测试的组合测试法。
1个回答2024-01-22 13:31


绳子用去(1/3)X,剩下(2/3)X  , 

接上16米    ,(2/3)X+16

比原来长1/5 ,  (2/3)X+16  - X  =  (1/5)X

解一元一次方程,可得答案:X = 30




1个回答2024-08-07 13:07


  ( )1.当你向别人问路的`时候,你可以说:


  A: Sorry B: How are you? C: Excuse me

  ( )2.当你询问图书馆在哪里时,应该这样问:


  A: Where is the bookstore? B: Where is the library? C: Where is the museum?

  ( )3.科学博物馆在邮局的附近。应该这样说:


  A: The post office is behind the science museum

  B: The science museum is near the post office

  C: The science museum is in front of the post office

  ( ) 4. ---- Where is the school ?---- ______________ .

  A . It’s my school . B . My school is big . C . It’s next the shop .

  ( ) 5. She wants to buy ___________ shoes .

  A . a B . a pair of C . a pairs of

  ( ) 6.Get off _______ the cinema .

  A . at B . on C . in

  ( ) 7. Walk straight _________ ten minutes to cinema .

  A . to B . at C . for

  ( ) 8. My friend is reading a book _______ my left .

  A . on B .at C. in

  ( )9. Excuse me .Where is the hospital ?It’s east _______the cinema.

  A .on B. at C. on

  ( )10. Turn right at the cinema. It’s ______ the left.

  A. in B. at C. on

  ( )11.Go_______this road. It’s on the left.

  A. straight B. walk C. to

  ( )12. You can go by the No.12 bus. ______at the park .

  A. Get off B. Get on C. Get to

  ( )13. Then walk straight_____ two minutes .________left at the cinema .you can see it.

  A. for; On B. at; Go C. for; Turn

  ( )14.Sarah:Where is the library? Zhang Peng:

  A.It’s in front of the school.

  B.Where is the school?

  ***.is there a library near here?

  D.Yes,it is.

  ( )15.Liu:Excuse me,is there a cinema near here? Policeman:

  A.Yes,there are. B.No,there aren’t.

  CYes,there is. D,No,there is.

  ( )16.请问,电影院在哪儿?

  A. Where is the cinema ,please。

  B. Where is the school,please?

  C. Where is the post office,please?

  D. Where is the library,please?

  ( )17.医院离这儿很远吗?

  A.You’re welcome. B.No,it’s not far.

  ***.is the hospital far from here? D.It’s in front of the school.


  1..there a is near here hospital ?


  2. the cinema where is please ?


  3. it’s to hospital next the .


  4. home , near , is , my , the , office , post .


  5 . the , next , to , the , hospital , is , cinema .


  6 . your , far , home, here , from , is ?


  7.left at the turn park .


  8.library get can to I how the ?


  9.the left on post office the is .



  ( ) Where is the cinema ,please.

  ( ) Excuse me,is there a cinema near here?

  ( ) Yes,there is.

  ( ) It`s next to the hospital.

  ( ) Is it farfrom here?No,it`s not far.

  ( ) Thank you.

  ( ) You are welcome.



  It’s Saturday afternoon . Sam has no class today . He is going to his grandma’s home . Now he’s on his way . He walks to the bus stop .Then he takes the No. 308 bus . He goes straight for ten minutes . Then get off at the library . Grandma’s home is on the left .

  ( ) 1. It’s Saturday afternoon .

  ( ) 2. Sam goes to the bus stop on foot .

  ( ) 3. Sam doesn’t take the bus .

  ( ) 4. He goes on the bus at the library .

  ( ) 5 . He walks straight for 20 minutes .


  Lucy : Excuse me . Is there a library near here ?

  Bob : Yes ,there is . Go straight and turn left . It’s on Green Street on the right . It’s next to a supermarket .

  Lucy : Thank you very much .

  Bob : You are right .

  ( ) 1. Lucy wants to go to a supermarket .

  ( ) 2. The library is far from here .

  ( ) 3. The supermarket is next to a library .

  ( ) 4. The library isn’t on Green Street .

  ( ) 5. Bob knows the place (地点) that Lucy wants to go .


  How can I get to school ?

  First, __________ ___________. Turn left at the second traffic lights. Then ___ ___ again. Next,_____ _____ at the library and _______ __________.Then _________ ___________. You will see the school.

1个回答2024-08-26 16:31

1外观检查对行驶证、车身、安全防护装置、车轮、消防、环保装置等项目的综合检查 2车下检查:采用人工眼看、锤敲、手摸的方法。检查间隙、变形、裂纹、损坏、漏气漏水、漏油等情况 3性能检测:对发动机主要检测转速随油门踏板位置的变化情况,对转向系检查方向盘转向灵活情况和自动回正能力,对传动系主要检查离合器分离和结合能力及变速箱换挡情况,对制动系主要检查行车制动和驻车制动效能情况,和制动管路的密封情况 4机动车安全检测站检测:喇叭的音响,CO和HC的怠速排放,柴油机烟度,车速表指示误差、前照灯的配光、发光强度、转向轮的侧滑,车轮的制动力,踏板力,制动协调时间,驻车制动力等。 5路试检测主要检查制动性能、转向性能和行驶轨迹。有啥岗位我还真不知道,没去实习过。努努力当个总检师吧,签字盖章就行,女孩字好看

1个回答2024-09-07 06:45