Hobbies can help a person's mental and physical h

2024-03-08 23:05

Hobbies can help a person's mental and physical health. 变成疑问句
Can hobbies help a person's mental,and physical health?
Can I help?和Can I help you 有什么区别?!
2个回答2023-10-01 06:40
我觉耐羡尘得Can I help?是我昌禅能帮你们吗? Can I help you 的意思是我可派告以帮助你么?
can i help you是什么意思?
1个回答2023-09-30 15:35
Can I help you?意思枣郑睁是:我能帮你吗 ? 用法:凳岁 这是在别人有困难时说的一句话,意思是“需要我的帮助吗?”这句话多使用在酒店的服务人员,意思是问顾客:“需要帮忙吗?” 短...
can i help you和may i help you有什么区别
1个回答2023-10-12 19:40
如果硬要区分的话,可以在翻译上理解 can i help you:我能帮你吗?意思上就是有这个能力肆段可以帮忙,只是要看被帮裂缺誉助的人需要不需要 may i help you:我可以帮忙吗?...
can i help you的回答是什么?
1个回答2023-09-30 15:35
Yes.I'd like a pie
Can You help me 跟 Do You help me最大的区别在哪?
3个回答2023-09-30 17:30
答: 一般来说,can you help me,用芹指孙嫌链的非常多,表示你能帮助我吗的意思;而第2个do you help me也可以表示你能帮助我吗的意思,但是基本上不会这么说,因此我觉得要是...
also you can hobbies tell about her your
1个回答2024-01-20 08:57
You can also tell her about your hobbies 翻译:告诉关于
reading are Oliver's swimming and hobbies stories
1个回答2024-03-01 23:48
Oliver's hobbies are  swimming and hobbies reading  stories 奥利弗的爱好是游泳和读故事。
He hobbies are playing football and dancein
1个回答2024-04-22 01:09
His hobbies are playing football and dancing.
It can do my chores.It can help clean the house。
2个回答2023-10-29 04:09
not only 、、、、、、、but also 不但。。。而且
1 . Can a dog bark
1个回答2024-02-24 20:19
这句话的意思是狗会叫吗?答案是?当然啦,狗会叫。用英语就是。Yes。It can。