what's the hungry for?

2023-11-29 00:58

A 14-year-old abandoned child in De'e township, Longlin county, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, has been claimed by a relative and local officials after 5 million yuan ($802,000) was donated for him, CCTV reported on Wednesday.
Named Yang Liujin, the boy's father died when he was 6 years old and his mother left him to live with his grandparents.
Four years ago, his grandparents also died and he has since lived alone on 10 yuan per week from his cousin.
As the money was not enough to support him, the boy often only had weeds to eat.
His story was reported on May 23 by Guangxi TV after which, on June 6, he was taken to Shenzhen, Guangdong province, by two volunteers from a private school that was willing to provide the boy with free accommodation and schooling.
From the day the boy's story was reported until June 24, some 5 million yuan was donated for him_
However, Yang's cousin and officials of the township government went to Shenzhen on June 20 and said they would take care of the boy. Although Yang strongly wanted to stay at the school, he was taken back to his hometown on June 24.
The cousin said he would help Yang manage the donated money and promised not to indiscriminately use it.
hungry for
1个回答2024-02-24 16:28
A 解析: hungry for 渴望...
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