
2022-09-30 23:53

2022-10-01 03:21
KET(Key English Test)是剑桥通用英语五级系列英语证书考试的第一级,该系列证书考试是为从初级至高级各个不同水平的英语学习者设计的高质量的国际英语考试,是终生有效的英语能力证书。KET考核考生的实用英语技能,无论是对于国外旅行、学习还是工作, KET考试都能促进考生语言能力的发展。KET可为希望参加剑桥二级英语考试(PET)及其他剑桥ESOL考试的考生打下坚实基础,是进入更高水平考试的最佳途径。
KET 口语测试内容 1. Greetings and introductions 2. Teacher: Good morning. I’m…Now, what’s your name? 3. Student: ___________________________________________ 4. Teacher: How do you spell that? 5. Student: ___________________________________________ 6. Teacher: And what’s your surname(姓氏)? How do you spell that? 7. Student: ___________________________________________ 2. Giving information about place of origin, occupation and studies. 8. Teacher: Where do you come from? 9. Student: ___________________________________________ 10. Teacher: When do you go to school? 11. Student: ___________________________________________ 12. Teacher: What subjects do you study? 13. Student: ___________________________________________ 14. Teacher: What subject do you like best? Why? 15. Student: ___________________________________________ 3. Other personal information. 16. Teacher: Did you go on holiday last year? 17. Student: ___________________________________________ 18. Teacher: Where did you go? And how did you go there? 19. Student: ___________________________________________ 20. Teacher: How long did it take? And what do you think of it? 21. Student: ___________________________________________ 22. Teacher: Have you been to any other countries? 23. Student: ___________________________________________ 24. Teacher: Where are you going for vacation this summer? 25. Student: ___________________________________________ 4. Extended response (hobbies). Teacher: Do you have any hobbies? Student: ___________________________________________ Teacher: Why do you like it/ them? Student: ___________________________________________ Teacher: How often do you exercise/ go to a movie? Student: ___________________________________________ Teacher: How well do you do it?/ How good are you at it? Student: ___________________________________________ 例题 Example: (Tr -- teacher; S-- student)