不多说了 用英语怎么说

2022-09-16 10:10

2022-09-16 10:23
what's up;what's going on 怎么回事
oh,come on;just leave it;forget it 算了吧
that's it 原来如此,不过有时候说well..ok也有这个意思
let it be;so be it 就这样吧
let's stop talking;talking no more;just stop here;不多说了,都是意译吧
不多说 No more talks
怎么回事: What's up?
算了吧:Let it be.
原来如此:I see that/So it be
就这样:So,it's OK/alright。
1 not to speak of more
2 What is going on / what is it/ what's up
3 well, forget it/let that pass/let it be/ just give up
4 That is so /So that is it/ I see
5 OK/Just let it be/well,Leave it at that
Not say anymore