
2024-02-16 17:00

2024-02-16 19:24
To my dear teacher, You are the open sea up the sky you steam yourself coming to cold air rains falling upon me make me full just like stream one day i'm as wide as sea i'll go up to be vapor and fall as rain filling more streams, more sea Thank you my dear teacher, you make me as wide as sea.Your student,**December 30th不知道你们老师什么用意,贺卡内容怎么会写雨的形成呢。应该是和你们上课所讲的内容有关吧,你可以回忆一下。这个答案似乎有些牵强,仅供参考,更多的要靠你自己与课上内容结合起来。希望满意。