
2024-02-02 02:43

1.— I'm going to Alison's birthday party tonight. — ( )your new jacket,you are not supposed to ( ) your old one. A.dress,put on B.wear , dress C.wear,put on D.put on,wear 2.The students make modei toys ( ) old TVs and sell... 1.— I'm going to Alison's birthday party tonight. — ( )your new jacket,you are not supposed to ( ) your old one.A.dress,put on B.wear , dress C.wear,put on D.put on,wear2.The students make modei toys ( ) old TVs and sell them to raise money .A.out of B.into C.of D.from_3.I don't think your uncle really likes drama series. -NO,( )he still watches t
2024-02-02 06:14
1.D put on 是一个穿衣服的动作,而wear是一个状态
2.C make out (of)是辨认出的意思 be made into是把......制作成.....
be made of 是看不出原材料的制作 be made from是看的出原材料的制作
这里的意思是 学生把旧电视制作成玩具模型并把它卖了筹集钱 (PS:题上model 打错了)
3.D 题意是 ——我认为我的叔叔真地不喜欢戏剧表演
对于I don't think.... 后面回答的NO YES 是对于客观事实来说的. NO就是叔叔不喜欢看