“我们不只是用相机拍照。 我们带到摄影中去的是所有: 我们读过的书,看过的电影,听过的音乐,爱过的人。” --安塞尔 亚当斯 "You don't make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen,the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.“ --Ansel Adams
【内容简介】 作品《壶说八道*茶品人生》一书的主题是品人生。作者淡然的煮一壶沸水,泡一杯清茶,追忆往昔,漫谈人生。什么是人生?作者列举了16种人生现象。根据自身的体会、感悟,用儒释道传统文化阐释社会主义核心价值观,在160篇文章中发出一个...
【内容简介】 作品《壶说八道*茶品人生》一书的主题是品人生。作者淡然的煮一壶沸水,泡一杯清茶,追忆往昔,漫谈人生。什么是人生?作者列举了16种人生现象。根据自身的体会、感悟,用儒释道传统文化阐释社会主义核心价值观,在160篇文章中发出一个...
什么是好的普洱茶? 在普洱茶行业里,很少有人能够系统地回答这个问题。 学院派关注茶多酚、江湖派依赖既有经验。而「好茶」这个问题的背后,包括了茶学、农学、历史学、人类学、感官科学等等维度。 品鉴,连接的是茶和人。于茶,讲究农业规律...
【内容简介】 作品《壶说八道*茶品人生》一书的主题是品人生。作者淡然的煮一壶沸水,泡一杯清茶,追忆往昔,漫谈人生。什么是人生?作者列举了16种人生现象。根据自身的体会、感悟,用儒释道传统文化阐释社会主义核心价值观,在160篇文章中发出一个...
儿童故事 笑话 轻松快乐的亲子时光 陪着宝贝慢慢长大 聆听时光里的快乐
专辑特色:有时嘴瓢的低沉嗓音,带你细品情感生活。每个疑问都能激发你内心深处的共鸣,这是一张能够陪伴你心灵的专辑,绝对值得你花一杯茶时间聆听。主播简介:苦茶,一位来自宝岛的害羞大男孩,平时不太说话,喜欢用唱的来表达情感。更新频率:每天早上 7...
2020 is a special year,full of difficulties and challenges, leads us to another outstanding year in 2021. Just like the excellent pu-erh tea, which is only adopted the refine tea leaves locating at the riversides of Langcang River, processed authentically and aging stored scientifically, is able to transform all the tough practices and years of loneliness into something fabulous, achieves its reputation. 2020是不平凡的一年,注定未来也必将是非凡的一季。正如一饼普洱,只有源自生态环境优越的澜沧江两岸,采用正统的普洱茶工艺,并藏于科学的陈化环境,经过千锤百年,耐得住百年孤寂,最终才能成就了其越陈越香的传奇。 “Tea is the national drinkings, and pu-erh is top famous” Yunnan is the origin of the world tea trees, and the hometown of pu-erh tea. Since the beginning of 2021, let’s move one step forward, taste pu-erh tea, discover the charms of Yunnan tea. Hope you are ready! “茶为国饮,普洱当先。”云南,是世界茶树的发源地,也是普洱茶的故乡。2021年伊始,让我们向前一步,品鉴普洱茶,发现云茶的魅力!希望您已经准备好哦! Partial Slide 部分课件展示 To understand why is the ancient tree tea so good, and how to represent Yunnan tea! 说好古树茶,为好品质云茶代言! Ancient Tea Horse Road existed a thousand years ago although it was named only in the 1990s. Since its discovery, it catches the world's attraction, brings splendid meaningfulness to teaism, the whole China, even the whole world. 茶马古道, 古而有之,但其命名却发生在当代。自从茶马古道的重现,如历史再现,对于茶人,中国,甚至是整个世界,意义非凡。 Pu-eth tea has great aging potential and better medicine functions. However, it's common to see that people drink young pu-erh tea often. Regarding the brewing skills of pu-erh, do you really know how to make a good cup of tea accordingly? 普洱茶的价值是越陈越香,那为何有人会偏爱年轻的普洱茶呢?普洱茶的品饮尤其讲究冲泡技巧,你真的做到了看茶泡茶吗? Pu-erhgains its popularity because of its excellence, so does the myth. There are lots of rumors widely spreadly, confuse the crowds. Luckily, we are rooted here in Yunnan, and able to dig deep to discover the true stories. 普洱江湖,纷繁复杂,但也是其魅力。关于普洱茶的真真假假,众说纷纭。幸运的是,我们根植于原产地云南,因此能追本溯源,去揭开谜团,探明真相。 The purpose of studying tea is to enjoy the moment, by learning to enjoy the simple life and appreciate the beauty of life, we are able to encounter the best view and master the true meaning of our lives. 习茶的本真是享受当下的生活,从简单的生活之道到至美的生活美学,都是我们习茶的过程中最美的风景, 从中学会生活的真谛。 Statement: All the copyrights except for the named pictures and videos are reserved at Mei Zhong and DiscoverCha. The series of this course is only for studying, and commercial usage without authorization is prohibited. 版权说明:本课程所有内容为钟梅及葡言茶语工作室所有(部分署名图片和视频素材除外),仅用于购买《普洱茶品鉴与进阶》的茶友交流和暂时学习。未经许可,禁止任何个人和机构转载、复印,或商业用途,。 About Discovercha关于葡言茶语 部分中国茶友评价 Comments from Chinese tea friends 部分国际茶友评价 Comments from tea friends overseas
本专辑集小朋友都非常喜欢的儿童寓言故事,儿童谚语故事,儿童歇后语故事 大合集,为朋友们讲述各式各样的睡前故事,还等什么?快来听吧!
晖哥 中国摄影家协会会员、教授级高级工程师、城市微观史作家,斜杠理工男。新浪微博《晖哥读城》博主,公众号《晖哥读城》创始人。出版专著:《成都街道漫步手记》《影像里的成都》《未消失的风景:成都深度游手记》《百年影像里的成都胜迹》《成都街...