第1925期:Recent Record-breaking Mountain Climber Sets New Goal

第1925期:Recent Record-breaking Mountain Climber Sets New Goal


A mountain guide who recently climbed the world’s 14 tallest mountains in record time has set a new goal for himself. Tenjen Sherpa of Nepal says he now wants to become the youngest person to climb all the peaks twice. Last month, the 35-year-old Tenjen and 37–year-old Norwegian Kristin Harila, broke the record for the fastest climb of the mountains. All of the peaks are above 8,000 meters. The two reached the final mountaintop, K2, in 92 days. It was very speedy. The record they broke was set at 189 days.↳ Now, Tenjen is preparing for his new goal. He said he hopes to start by climbing Mount Shishapangma in China in the next two months. “I have already done (it) once and I want to double it,” he told the Associated Press.

一位登山向导最近以创纪录的时间攀登了世界 14 座最高的山峰,他为自己设定了新的目标。尼泊尔的 Tenjen Sherpa 表示,他现在想成为两次登上所有山峰的最年轻的人。上个月,35岁的Tenjen和37岁的挪威人Kristin Harila打破了最快爬山记录。所有山峰海拔均在8000米以上。两人用了 92 天到达了最后的山顶 K2。速度非常快。他们打破的纪录是 189 天。↳ 现在,Tenjen 正在为他的新目标做准备。他说,他希望在未来两个月内首先攀登中国的希夏邦马峰。 “我已经做过一次了,我想加倍,”他告诉美联社。

Only one person has climbed all 14 peaks twice. Forty-eight-year-old Sanu Sherpa completed his second climb of the mountains last year. Tenjen has already climbed seven of the mountains twice. He hopes to climb the remaining seven by next spring. Tenjen climbed the first of these mountains in 2016, when he reached the top of Mount Dhaulagiri in Nepal. He has since made several similar climbs every year, including four trips to Mount Everest.

唯一一个曾两次登上全部14座山峰的人。四十八岁的萨努·夏尔巴去年完成了他的第二次登山。 Tenjen 已经两次攀登了其中的七座山峰。他希望在明年春天之前攀登剩余的七座。 Tenjen 于 2016 年攀登了第一座山峰,登上了尼泊尔道拉吉里峰的山顶。此后,他每年都会进行几次类似的攀登,其中包括四次登上珠穆朗玛峰。

He and his three brothers set a record as the most siblings to have climbed Mount Kanchenjunga. Kanchenjunga is the world’s third-tallest mountain, behind Mount Everest and K2.Tenjen started working as a mountain guide to support his family. However, in April, the Kathmandu company Seven Summits Treks hired Tenjen to join Harila’s trip to Mount Shishapangma. Harila and Tenjen then climbed the rest of the mountains together. “It was my good luck and (I) was fortunate to be with her in the team,” Tenjen said to the Associated Press.

他和他的三个兄弟创下了登上干城章嘉峰最多兄弟姐妹的记录。干城章嘉峰是世界第三高山,仅次于珠穆朗玛峰和乔戈里峰。Tenjen 开始做登山向导来养家糊口。然而,四月份,加德满都七峰徒步旅行公司聘请 Tenjen 加入 Harila 的希夏邦马山之旅。 Harila 和 Tenjen 随后一起攀登了其余的山峰。 “这是我的运气,(我)很幸运能和她一起加入球队,”滕詹对美联社说。

Tenjen plans to climb Shishapangma for the second time later this fall. He plans on carrying with him pictures of a brother who died. Shishapangma was the only one of the 14 tallest mountains that this brother had not climbed. Tenjen says he will bury the images on the mountaintop. Tenjen told the AP that Sherpas do not get enough government recognition for their hard work. “It is not possible to just continue climbing mountains as you grow older, so what else is there than to think of migrating abroad,” Tenjen pointed out. Tenjen never attended school growing up. He has difficulty reading and writing. But, living in Kathmandu, Nepal’s capital, his children are able to get an education. Tenjen thinks, though, that since more children will be growing up in cities in the future, they will not have the skills to become Sherpas.

Tenjen 计划在今年秋天晚些时候第二次攀登希夏邦马峰。他计划随身携带已故兄弟的照片。希夏邦马峰是十四座最高山中唯一一位这位兄弟没有攀登过的山峰。 Tenjen 说他会将这些图像埋在山顶上。坦詹告诉美联社,夏尔巴人的辛勤工作没有得到政府足够的认可。 “随着年龄的增长,继续爬山是不可能的,所以除了考虑移居国外之外,还有什么办法呢?”Tenjen 指出。 Tenjen 从小就没有上过学。他阅读和写作都有困难。但是,生活在尼泊尔首都加德满都,他的孩子们能够接受教育。不过,Tenjen 认为,由于未来会有更多的孩子在城市长大,他们将不具备成为夏尔巴人的技能。

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