


Exam paper admitted as evidence in court case

A copy of the national college entrance exam was admitted as evidence in a liability case concerning liqueur in the Ningxia Hui autonomous region late last year, according to People's Daily.

The dispute began with a person surnamed Liu buying 16 bottles of liqueur online in 2021. Produced by a wine company in Ningxia, the liqueur only had grapes and sulfur dioxide labeled as ingredients.

Liu suspected the wine company was withholding information about the ingredients, since liqueur usually is a sweetened alcoholic beverage with various flavors, potentially with rum, whisky or other liquor added as a base spirit.

The alcohol content of the liqueur he bought was labeled as 18 percent, but a question on the test indicates the highest alcohol content of wine brewed in natural conditions would be 16.2 percent.

Liu then sued the company for breaching the Food Safety Law, which stipulates food ingredients should be clearly labeled. He demanded a refund of the 9,300 yuan ($1,305) he spent on the liqueur and compensation of 93,000 yuan.

Last year, a people's court in Yongning county ruled the liqueur didn't label all the ingredients, but the exclusion didn't make the liqueur unsafe or mislead the consumer. It also found the liqueur didn't cause any harm to the plaintiff's well-being or property, rejecting Liu's claims.

According to Xu Xudong from the Jiangsu Fides Law Firm, as long as it is authentic, legal and relevant to the case, the test paper can be admitted as evidence.





n.利口酒; (通常餐后少量饮用的)烈性甜酒; 一杯烈性甜酒;




n.原告; 起诉人;

Criticism clouds Paris Olympics excitement

门票太贵交通设施老旧 巴黎奥运会“可达性”遭质疑

The date is set, venues have been chosen, tickets are on sale. One hundred years after the Olympics last graced the streets of Paris, the city is braced for the return of the world’s largest sporting event next summer. While organizers and the French government claim it’ll be the most inclusive games yet, a growing chorus of voices isn’t convinced.


Accessibility is a main concern, both financially due to the eye-watering cost of tickets and for disabled people who worry about navigating Paris’ decades-old transport infrastructure. Flavien Lallemand barely made it on the Paris 2024 ticketing site before deciding it wasn’t worth it. "It’s a shame, it’s being done in our city, it’s just next door, we’ll be bothered by all the visitors; we’ll be impacted but we won’t have the positive sides,” he said, adding he’ll likely end up watching the games at home.

可达性是个大问题,一方面贵到离谱的门票价格让人难以承受,另一方面巴黎已经使用了数十年的老旧的交通基础设施也让残疾人望而却步。23岁的开发人员弗拉维安•拉勒芒差点登录不上巴黎的2024售票网站,后来总算登上去了又觉得票价很不值。 他说:“太可耻了,奥运会就在我们的城市举行,就在家门口,我们会被各种游客打扰,我们会受影响,然而我们在买票时却没有优惠。”他还表示,他最后应该只能在自家电视上看奥运会比赛。

Many French people have taken to social media to protest the cost of tickets, complaining that those available were well beyond average budgets. It’s an embarrassing distraction for games organizers, who have trumpeted the event’s accessibility credentials. 


The cheapest tickets for the main games were put on sale at a starting price of 24 euros ($26), with Paralympic tickets starting at 15 euros ($16). However, these tickets were limited in number and often were for tournaments like basketball or soccer taking place in other French cities. By the time many sports fans were able to purchase tickets, more affordable options were often scarce.


"The price makes me sick,” former Olympic gymnast Marine Debauve said of the 690 euros ($742) that tickets to a gymnastics final event would cost her. "It may be easier to participate in the Olympics than see it as a spectator in my own country,” she said on Facebook, echoing the anger of current athletes at not being able to secure tickets for their families.

前奥运会体操运动员马琳•德博夫在提到体操决赛高达690欧元的门票时表示:“这个价格让我很不舒服。” 她在脸书发言称:“参加奥运会可能都比在我自己的国家看奥运会容易些。”和她一样感到恼火的还有无法为家人购买门票的现役运动员。

Some 10% of the approximately 10 million tickets on sale for the games are priced at 24 euros, with half on sale for under 50 euros ($54). Organizers say the Games’ pricing isn’t more expensive than the London 2012 Olympics.


In contrast to past Games, the Paris 2024 opening ceremony will be held along a stretch of the River Seine, which crosses the city, offering unprecedented (and mostly free) access to the competition’s overture. Even so, the best views of the floating parade from the river banks will be ticketed, with some spots on sale for as much as 2,700 euros ($2,900).


Organizers have boasted inclusion is at the heart of the project and the Paralympic Games next September will be the “most accessible ever,” styling itself as a leader in accessibility. But that’s little relief for disabled visitors, who will have few ways to get around the city.


Paris’ more-than-century-old metro network, riddled with staircases and lacking in elevators, is notoriously inaccessible for disabled passengers. Currently, only one metro line is entirely step-free, the M14 line that traverses the city. Only an estimated 10% of the network’s 332 stations will be accessible for wheelchair users by the Games.






v.自夸; 自吹自擂; 有(值得自豪的东西);

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