Randall Peterson (LBS): The upside of being a narcissist.

Randall Peterson (LBS): The upside of being a narcissist.


Today, my guest is Mr Randall Peterson, Professor of Organisational Behaviour at London Business School. Prof Peterson teachesExecutive Education and MBA programmes on leading teams and organizations, high-performance teams, leadership assessment, and interpersonal skill development.

In addition, Professor Peterson Is the Academic Director of the LeadershipInstitute. His current research activities include investigating: leading diverse teams, how CEO personality affects top management team interaction, leadership transitions in organizations, conflict management in teams, and the effects of member personality on group interaction and performance.

Today, our subject is the upside of narcissism. 

Generally speaking, Narcissism is a negative word. The American Psychiatric Association defines narcissists as those who maintain grandiose views of their self-importance. Narcissism is used to describe those people who are extremely overconfident about themselves, to the extent that they can’t help but love themselves more than anyone else. 

Take the president of United States, DonaldTrump, for example. When he calls himself to be the second greatest president in the history of United States just after Abraham Lincoln, a lot of people would call that narcissism.

So how can narcissism be a good thing for an organization? How can a narcissist be a good leader or a team player? Does narcissism help us to achieve better goods? These are the questions that we will discuss today. 

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