Linguaphone 2.2.2 The hotel rooms

Linguaphone 2.2.2 The hotel rooms


The hotel rooms
Receptionist: Please sign the register, Mr. Hunt. Jim, take the suitcases to the second floor.
Jim: Yes, madam.
Mr. Hunt: Here’s the register. How much are the rooms, please?
Receptionist: A single room’s four pounds. A double room’s six pounds. Would you like a television in the room? 
Mrs. Hunt: Yes, please. Mr. Hunt and I would like a television. We’d like a telephone, too.
Receptionist: Every room’s got a telephone.
Mrs. Hunt: Have the rooms got bathrooms? 
Receptionist: Yes, every room’s got a bathroom.
Mr. Hunt: Have the bathrooms got showers?
Receptionist: Yes, every bathroom’s got a shower.
Mr. Hunt: Good. 
Receptionist: Are you going to the rooms now?
Mr. Hunt: Yes, we’re going now. Send two cups of coffee to the room, please.
Jane: And three lemonades.
Mr. Hunt: Yes, two cups of coffee and three lemonades. 
Receptionist: Yes, sir. Here are the keys, Mr. Hunt. Jim, take the Hunts to rooms six, seven and nine. 
Jim: Come this way, please.

