298.Hotel Germs

298.Hotel Germs


He called the hotel. He asked for a room for one night. He drove to the hotel. He checked into the hotel. The clerk gave him the room key. He went to his room. He took the sheets off the bed. He took the pillowcases off the pillows. He went into the bathroom. He took the towels off the towel rack. He took the little bar of soap out of the soap dish. He opened his travel bag. He took two sheets out of his travel bag. He took two pillowcases out of his travel bag. He took a towel out of his travel bag. He took a fresh bar of soap out of his travel bag. He put his sheets on the bed. He put his pillowcases on the pillows. He put his towel on the towel rack. He put his soap in the soap dish.
for one night 一晚 ; 一夜情
went to 相当于 ; 付出
pillowcases 枕头套 ; pillowcase的复数
went into 从事,讨论,进入
bar of soap 一块肥皂
out of 从…里面;离开 ; 从…的状态中 ; 越出…之外

  • 抱走厦门
