英语四级美文听力第7篇:An Irish Wedding

英语四级美文听力第7篇:An Irish Wedding

英语四级美文听力第7篇:An Irish Wedding
  • 听友40038002

    好优美的声音 但是求字幕

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    爱尔兰婚礼几乎可以肯定是以这种方式举行了几代人。我去过婚宴 在那里,香槟酒是伴随着轻柔的、未被注意的管弦乐;我听了精心准备的演讲,有点嫉妒地看着那些比我所希望的要优雅得多的女人们的礼服。 我印象深刻,有点无聊。我整晚都坐在一个小而不舒服的爱尔兰小屋里,享受着每一刻。

    碌夜星辰 回复 @看书看书看书看书看: 你好厉害👍

  • 谭紫_nz


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    你参加过爱尔兰婚礼吗?我刚从一个房间回来。现在是凌晨四分之一到五点;太阳已经升到地平线上了;鸟儿们正忙着庆祝新的一天,并急切地寻找食物。 但是有些客人还没有离开。他们仍在延长夜晚的时间:跳舞、唱歌、闲聊,以及在一夜未眠后推迟在田里工作一天的不幸必要性。 晚会将在十点钟开始,但许多客人来得早。一些较近的男性亲戚穿着带着漂亮领结的晚礼服,以及和蔼可亲、朴素的乡下妇女,看上去相当尴尬。

  • 男主角失格

    二:The evening party was to start at ten o’clock, but many of the guests arrived earlier. A few of the nearer male relatives were looking rather awkward in evening suits with smart bow ties, and the pleasant, unsophisticated countrywomen appeared a little self-conscious in their Sunday best. Two men squeezing accordions provided the music: the old Irish tunes that have been played at weddings for many years. Half the people in the room were dancing the square dances which have been enjoyed even longer.

  • 男主角失格

    三:A score of men stood in the narrow dark hall leaning against the wall, drinking beer from bottles and speculating about crops, cattle and the current political situation. And whenever the dancing stopped, somebody would start singing one of the sentimental, treasured Irish songs: the exile longing for his home, the grief-stricken lover mourning his fate. Sometimes we all joined in the chorus, sadly and solemnly, before getting up to dance again. Irish weddings are almost certain to have been celebrated in this way for generations. I have been to wedding receptions

  • 听友21387963

    Dancing singing gossiping and postponing

  • 男主角失格

    一:An Irish Wedding Have you ever been to an Irish wedding? I have just returned from one. It is a quarter to five in the morning; the sun has already climbed above the horizon;the birds are busy celebrating the new day and have eagerly been in search of food. But some of the guests have not yet left. They are still prolonging the night: dancing, singing, gossiping, and postponing the unfortunate necessity of undertaking a day’s work in the fields after a sleepless night.

  • 听友118988175


  • 听友21387963

    the birds are busy celebrating the new day