英语四级美文听力第5篇:I Learned in Kindergart...

英语四级美文听力第5篇:I Learned in Kindergart...

英语四级美文听力第5篇:I Learned in Kindergart...
  • 曾经的美好_q7


  • 听友21387963

    And then remember,the book about Dick and Jane,and the first world you learned,the biggest word of all: look.Everything you need to know.

  • 听友21387963

    And then lay down with our blankets for a nap.All if we had a basic policy in our nation's.To always put things back where we found them.

  • 听友21387963

    Think of what a better world it would be if we all the whole world Had cookies and milk about 3 o'clock every afternoon

  • 听友21387963

    Is in there somewhere.The golden rule and love,and basic sanitation,ecology and politics,and sane living

  • 听友21387963

    or why but we're all like that.Goldfish and hamsters,and white mice,and even the little seed in the plastic cup,they all die.So do we.

  • 1862335covf


  • 听友21387963

    Be aware of wonder.Remember the little seed in the plastic cup.The roots go down and plants go up.And nobody really knows how.

  • 听友21387963

    It is better to hold hands and stick together.

  • 听友21387963

    And clean up our own messes,and this is still true no matter how old you are.When you go out into the world.