be like music to one's ear是什么意思呢?

be like music to one's ear是什么意思呢?


be like music to one's ears: be sth that is pleasant to hear 是悦耳的声音;是佳音;让人听着高兴 

1. The news that I got the offer of the company was like music to my ears. 


2. The bell at the end of the lesson is always music to my ears. 


  • 酷乐英语

    be like music to one's ears: be sth that is pleasant to hear 是悦耳的声音;是佳音;让人听着高兴 The news that I got the offer of the company was like music to my ears. 我被这家公司聘用了,真是个好消息。 The bell at the end of the lesson is always music to my ears. 对我来说,下课铃声就像音乐般美妙。