第三课 机舱服务-机餐量太少,吃不饱怎么办?

试听180第三课 机舱服务-机餐量太少,吃不饱怎么办?







Welcome on board! 欢迎登机!

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome on board Singapore airlines SQ205 bound for London. We are currently in line for takeoff and are expected to be in the air in approximately ten minutes time. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for takeoff. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Thank you for choosing Singapore Airlines. Enjoy your flight. Thank you.



overhead compartment  机舱上方的行李架

Excuse me, can you help me find a place to put my luggage in the overhead compartment? 



Excuse me, do you mind changing seats with me? I really want to sit by my friends. 


Is there any aisle seat that’s still available? 


I want to change my seat. The baby beside me keeps crying. By the way, can I have a blanket? 我想换个座位,旁边的孩子一直在哭闹。对了,麻烦顺便给我一条毛毯好吗?

Alright, after passing above clouds and turbulence, the captain has turned off the fasten seat belt sign as the aircraft has climbed up to the cruising altitude. And now, it’s time for food.


“Ladies and Gentlemen: We will be serving you meal with various kinds of drinks. Welcome to make your choice. Please put down the table in front of you. For the convenience of the passenger behind you, please return your seat back to the upright position duringthe meal service. Thank you!” 


Would you like something to drink, sir? 先生,你想喝点什么?

What to drink, sir?

Miss, what would you like to eat, chicken with rice or beef with noodles?小姐,你想吃什么?鸡肉米饭还是牛肉面?

What would you like, Miss? Chicken or beef?


Coffee, please. / Coke with ice, please.

Chicken, please. / Noodles, please.


Can I have another cup of tea, please? 请再给我来一杯茶。

Could I have another set of meal, please? 我可以再来一份饭吗?


Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now passing through a zone of turbulence. For your own safety, we will stop serving hot drinks at the moment. Please remain seated and fasten your seat belt. Thank you. 女士们先生们,我们正在穿过一片强气流。为了您的安全,我们将暂停热饮的供应。请你留在座位上并保持安全带扣好。谢谢。

lavatory / toilet 洗手间

vacant 空闲的

occupied 使用中


Excuse me, I need to go to the lavatory. 不好意思,我需要去一下洗手间。

Sorry to trouble you, I need to get out of my seat.抱歉麻烦你,我需要出去一下。

Excuse me, are you in line? 请问,你在排队吗?

Is this the end of the line? 请问,是在这队伍的末端吗?


  • 听友47653928

    老师您讲的非常有磁性 双语非常标准声音非常吸引我听 但是对于一个初学者来说跟不上您的语速 你辛苦了!谢谢!

    马尔克Marcus 回复 @听友47653928: 别着急,你听多了就慢慢能听懂了。有些外国人的语速比我还快呢。要相信自己,加油!

  • 1369008ygjx


    马尔克Marcus 回复 @1369008ygjx: 是永久的呀

  • 听友106667458


  • 1336929eqbb


  • 1336929eqbb
