19-9-12【跟《老友记》学美语】42 to的各种弱化读音,抽签互赠礼,感恩节真谛

19-9-12【跟《老友记》学美语】42 to的各种弱化读音,抽签互赠礼,感恩节真谛





具体的情景是,我去了一个小型交响乐团的音乐会,在演奏的时候乐队各个成员之间不需要语言沟通就形成的默契配合让我觉得很动人。可是我却找不到好的表达方式来形容这个感受。我自己找到一个可能的表达方式,是develop a rapport,但是觉得用起来有点生硬,所以想问问Henry老师有没有什么建议呢?


2. 【Amber陈小二】老师好,我的问题是:因为我不是英语专业,大家都没那么在意口语,我实在是没什么同学交流,我最近在练口语的时候发现我读【o】有问题 比如 hot 美音大家都是发“啊”:H啊t,但我之前学的是“凹”:H凹T 再比如job 像这种整个音出问题的,我有点…怀疑人生,这种要怎么改,把所有带这个音的单词挑出来不停重复吗?我这几天几乎重复上百遍了,但说实话,我想hot的时候,第一反应还是凹这个音,主要影响的不是一个单词,而是很多常用的单词,我都有点不太敢说了,因为说之前总要想一下我要说的有没有o这个需要注意的问题,怎么办呢?




4、【龄】想问Henry老师,英语阅读理解实在是差,怎么办?英语水平比我差的人,阅读理解都比我对的多?自己觉得可能都做对了,结果有时候几乎全错?想问问henry老师有什么办法提高一下。 麻烦了


片段二 4季第8





Chandler: Ugh, turkey! Ugh, giving thanks! Ugh!1

Phoebe: Look everyone, it’s the spiritofThanksgiving①!

Rachel: So are things with you and Joey any better?

[sou wər θiŋ zwɪ θjµ wən dʒou wi we ni be dər?]

Chandler: They couldn’t be worse. I spent eight hours callinghim last night, just tryingto get him to talk to me.

[ɑi sben’ ei’ ɑu wərz kɑl liŋ hɪm læs’ nɑi’]

[trɑi jɪ nə ge dɪm nə tɑ’ tə mi.]

Rachel: Oh wow, eight hours? So youcould probably really use one of those plug-in telephone headsetshuh?

Ross: Should we all expectChristmas gifts that can be stolen from your office?2

Rachel: You shouldn’t.

Phoebe: Speaking of③Christmas, umm, since Monica and I are starting a newbusiness andhave like no money④, umm, this year maybe wecould do SecretSanta⑤, and then we each only buy one gift.3And–and there’s the added mystery of, you know, who gets who.

Ross: Who gets whom⑥. Idon’t know why I do that. But it’s correct.

Monica: Hey, what’s this? It’s all ofyour names. Let’s pick.



Homework: 本周学习连读掌握


1、So are things with you and Joey any better?

[sou wər θiŋ zwɪ θjµ wən dʒou wi we ni be dər?]

2、I spent eight hours calling② him last night,

[ɑi sben’ ei’ ɑu wərz kɑl liŋ hɪm læs’ nɑi’]

 3、trying to get him to talk to me.

[trɑi jɪ nə ge dɪm nə tɑ’ tə mi.]


Homework: 课堂纠音上节连读


1、You’d better keep it away from④ Ross’s hair.

[jµ’ be dər ki pɪ də wei frəm rɑ sɪz heər.]

2、How did you get that?

 [hɑu dɪ dʒµ ge’ θæ’?]

3、it wasnt a big deal⑤.

 [ɪ’ wʌ zə nə bɪ’ diəl]

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