19-9-5【跟《老友记》学美语】41 常用词组巧连读 , 一份走心的生日礼物

19-9-5【跟《老友记》学美语】41 常用词组巧连读 , 一份走心的生日礼物



1、【Cheryl】我有几个词义辨析的问题想请教老师:in the supermarket和at the supermarket的区别;make a trip和take a trip的区别呢?It won't happen 和 it's not gonna happen 的区别?谢谢老师

2. 【Lily】想咨询Henry老师三个发音问题。1。choose这个单词读起来怪怪的,像是“处z”, 很怕读这类前面本身就是嘟嘴或撅嘴的音,后面跟着u的这么一个组合。请问Henry老师,choose这个音怎么发才地道呢?2。有人说如果两个单词的发音位置相同,那么前面的音就省掉,只发后面单词的音,比如 bus stop, nice song,big girl, bed timequite different, good time等等。前两组单词我觉得是这样,后面的爆破音也可以直接省去吗?我一直以来理解的是需要干脆的停顿。3。this shop, nice shoes, 这样的词组读起来特别拗口,嘴巴忙不过来,请问正确读法是怎样的?谢谢京晶老师,谢谢Henry老师

3.【饭饭】老师,为什么she boxed his ears 是扇耳光的意思呢,是俚语吗?

Scene 02 爱的礼物

片段一 4季第6





Chandler: Hi. You guys have anywrappingpaper①?

Phoebe: Oh! Is it for my birthday present?

Chandler: Pheebs, it was your birthday,like, months ago.

Phoebe: Yeah, but remember you said you ordered something special, and it just hadn’tcome yet?1

Chandler: Well, Ihave a call in②about that.

Phoebe: OK.

Chandler: Actually, this is for Kathy’sbirthday. It’s an early edition of her favoritebook.

Rachel: Oh,The Velveteen Rabbit③! Oh my God, whenthe boy’s love makes the rabbit real!

Chandler: Okay, but don’t touch it,because your fingers have destructive oils.

Rachel: Huh. Well, then you’d better keep itaway fromRoss’s hair.2So this is prettyrare. How did you get that?

[jµ’ be dər ki pɪ də wei frəm rɑ sɪz heər.]

[hɑu dɪ dʒµ ge’ θæ’?]

Chandler: Oh, it wasn’t a big deal.

[ɪ’ wʌ zə nə bɪ’ diəl]

I just went to a couple of bookstores,talked to a couple of dealers... called a coupleof the author’s grandchildren.3

Rachel: Oh, honey,that’s so sweet⑥.

Phoebe: Yeah, and what a great way tosay, “I secretly love you, roommate’sgirlfriend!”4



Homework: 本周学习连读掌握


1、You’d better keep it away from④ Ross’s hair.

[jµ’ be dər ki pɪ də wei frəm rɑ sɪz heər.]

2、How did you get that?

 [hɑu dɪ dʒµ ge’ θæ’?]

3、it wasnt a big deal⑤.

 [ɪ’ wʌ zə nə bɪ’ diəl]

Homework: 课堂纠音上节连读


1、I didn’t expect to have to fight over② the remote.1

 [ɑi dɪ ‘ɪ nɪks be’ tə hæf də fɑi dou vər ðə rɪ mou’]

2、That’s why I got up too!

 [ðæ tswɑi jɑi gɑ dʌ’ tµ]

3、Joey tells me you two met in acting class.

 [dʒou wi telz mi jµ tµ me ‘ɪ næ’ diŋ klæs]


  • neo2010

    Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet .

  • 卡门鬼


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