英语背诵为王 第1册 Lesson 67

英语背诵为王 第1册 Lesson 67


67   Danielle’s Story of Team Sports

Being involved in a team sport is not only fun, it's a great way to meet new friends and learn new things. When I was younger, I played basketball and soccer, skating, performed gymnastics, played piano, and danced. One of my best friends is a girl who I met while playing basketball. Most of my fondest memories come from being involved in those activities. Though I was never really the best at any of those activities, I always had fun. The first year I played basketball I was on a team of all boys. The ball was rarely passed to me, but I learned a bunch of new techniques and I learned to love basketball much more. Sometimes, if you're on a team sport you may feel self-conscious, but remember that everyone probably feels the same way as you. Hopefully you all will learn to appreciate the value of team sports as much as I did. Go team!

involve 牵涉, 涉及   perform gymnastics 练/表演体操    rarely 很少

technique 技巧   self-conscious 害羞的, 怕难为情的 

appreciate 欣赏   value 价值


参加团队运动不仅有趣而且是结交新朋友学习新事物的好途径。当我年轻的时候, 我打篮球和橄榄球, 滑冰, 练体操, 弹钢琴, 跳舞。我最好的一个朋友是我在打篮球时遇到的一个女孩。我大多数的美好记忆都来自于参加这样的活动。虽然我从来没有真正擅长过其中的某一项, 但我从中得到乐趣。我第一年打篮球时, 队伍中都是男生。球很少传给我, 但是我还是学会了一些新技术, 我也越来越喜欢打篮球了。 参加团队运动, 有时你会感到害羞, 但是记住每个人可能都会有你这样的感觉。希望你能和我一样学着体会团队运动的价值。去参加团队运动吧!

