


Daily Life - Working Out (C0345)
A: Do you want to go catch a movie tonight?
B: I can’t, I have to go to the gym.
A: Come on! You can go tomorrow, just skip it today. It’s not as if you are gonna get in trouble!
B: Actually I will! I am working out with a personal trainer that gets on my case if I don’t go. I like it, because it makes me feel more obligated to go and get healthy.
A: That’s cool, does your personal trainer basically teach you how to work out?
B: Yeah. He makes a work put plan depending onthe areas I want to work on, orthe muscles I want to build. Like for example in order to get better muscle tone in my abs, pecs and biceps, he makes me work out with free weights. Then for my quads, calves and hamstrings, I do leg lifts or squats.
A: Sounds like you are really getting in shape!

  • 南山陲0

    abs=abdomen、abdominal musle 腹肌。 pecs 胸肌。 biceps 二头肌。 calf/calves 小腿肌。 quads 四头肌。 hamstrings 腱肌。 squat 蹲坐。

  • 阿胖宋

    get on my case 管我的事 get off my case 别烦我

  • Jamila0715

    work put plan 是不是写错了?应该是work out plan

  • 阿胖宋

    personal trainer 私教 to build muscle 练肌肉 muscle tone 肌肉线条

  • 蛮小鱼oO

    build muscles at the gym

  • 祁答院Qui

    Pronoun 代词

  • 哈哈哈呦0


  • 鼹鼠的地下宫殿

    get on my case, get off my case

  • 蛮小鱼oO

    Do you wanna go catch a movie tonight

  • 蛮小鱼oO

    go to the gym to work out