


The Office ‐ Sending A Quote Via Email (C0315)
Tracy: Melanie, can you help me with something? We need to finalize the account with the Mexican Embassy and, I need some advice on phrasing this letter correctly in English.
Melanie: Sure Tracy, let me just get my laptop. all set. Tracy: Okay, so. . . . . . . toWhom It May Concern, I am writing.
Melanie: Um, Tracy? I think that’s a little too formal. I know you want to be polite but you’ve already made contact with them, so in English you can be more relaxed inthe opening. . . .
Tracy: Okay, more relaxed. Got it. . . . Hey Sally, what’s up? It’s Tracy here, just.
Melanie: Okay Tracy, now it’s too relaxed! You’ve still got to show some respect. How about starting with “Dear Ms. Cooper, I’m writing to confirm. . . ?
Tracy: Great, okay. “Dear Miss Cooper, I’m writing to confirm the final quotation forthe full page back cover color advertisement you requested forthe spring issue of Voila magazine.
Melanie: That’s great. . . .
Tracy: “ The final costing, including advert design and production, comes to forty-five thousand six hundred RMB. We want payment ten working days before publication or we will cancel the ad. Thanks for. . . ”
Melanie: Woo, okay back up a second Tracy. That’s too direct. Can I suggest you say, ” please note thatfinal payment is due two working weeks before publication? You don’t want to offend her.
Tracy: Oops okay. You are right. Then I can just end with “All the best, Tracy”
Melanie: Hmmmm, maybe, but I’d play it safeand just finish with “Yours Sincerely”. That’s more professional.
Tracy: Oh, Melanie you are a life saver, thank you!

  • June吉

    colloquial 口语的,非正式的

  • 英语天天见ABC

    I would play it safe.you are a lifsaver.

  • 阿胖宋

    两个句子有点难理解 1..I’m writing to confirm the final quotation forthe full page back cover color advertisement you requested forthe spring issue of Voila magazine 。。。 2..please note thatfinal payment is due two working weeks before publication

    大龙王_y0 回复 @阿胖宋: 请注意,最终付款截止日期为出版前两周

  • 阿胖宋

    To Whom It May Concern 致相关人士(有关部门)

  • Junior_rose

    You are a life saver.

  • 大龙王_y0


  • 鼹鼠的地下宫殿

    to whom it may concern

  • 阿卜杜拉卡洛斯


  • 蛮小鱼oO

    to end the letter

  • 天富汇达
