

One in five Chinese youth addicted to online video games 两成青少年沉迷于网络游戏About 18 percent of Chinese youth play online video games at least four to five hours per day,showing signs of addiction,according to a survey.According to a report in Monday’s China Youth Daily,research on the online behavior of Chinese youth showed that 41.3 percent of Chinese young people understand that it is unhealthy to spend too much time online,but cannot control themselves.Internet addiction is relevant to our lives.Almost one in every five youth has already been or is likely to become addicted to video games,said Zhou Huazhen,a scholar with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in charge of the research.一项调查显示,约18%的中国青少年每天至少玩四到五小时的网络视频游戏,有成瘾迹象。据《中国青年报》周一报道,对中国青少年网络行为的调查显示,41.3%的中国年轻人知道花太多时间上网并不健康,但无法控制自己。中国社会科学院(CASS)负责研究的学者周华珍说:“网络成瘾与我们的生活息息相关,每五个青年中就有一个人已经或可能会沉迷于视频游戏。”Zhou said she believes the study has brought much more extensive and straightforward results in the study of Internet addiction in China compared to individual cases reported by the media.The study showed that about 23.6 percent of Chinese young men played online video games at least four days a week,and 17.7 percent played every day.The percentage of students who play online games at least four days a week grows with age--16.9 for elementary students,21.3 percent for junior high school students and 31.8 percent for senior high school students.周女士表示,她认为,与媒体报道的个案相比,该研究为中国网络成瘾研究带来了更为广泛和直接的结果。研究显示,约23.6%的中国年轻人每周至少玩四天在线视频游戏,有17.7%的人每天都玩。每周至少四天玩网络游戏的学生的比例随着年龄增长而增长-小学生为16.9,初中学生为21.3%,高中学生为31.8%。Accessibility of digital products and parental supervision are two main factors driving the increase,said Zhou.Older children need to use the Internet more often than younger children,both for study and daily life,as well as to meet their social needs,and teachers and parents usually loosen their supervision as children grow up,Zhou added.Zhang Shuhui,vice president of CASS,conducted similar research in 2010,also working with Zhou,showing that only 6.7 percent of students spent more than six hours online from Monday to Friday at that time.周补充说,数字产品的可达性及家长放松监督是导致比例增长的主要原因。大一点的孩子比年幼的孩子更需要使用互联网,无论是学习还是日常生活,以及满足他们的社交需求,而且随着孩子长大,老师和家长通常会放松监督。中国社会科学院副院长张书辉在2010年进行了类似的研究,并与周合作,调查结果显示当时只有6.7%的学生在星期一至星期五的在线时间超过6小时。Zhang said even with minor differences in parameters between the surveys,the results of the two surveys show increasing Internet addiction among Chinese youth.In the beginning of 2018,addiction to video games was recognized by the World Health Organization as a mental health disorder.尽管调查参数之间存在细微的差异,但这两项调查结果显示,中国青少年的网络成瘾日益增加。在2018年初,电子游戏上瘾被世界卫生组织认定为心理健康障碍。1.straightforward [streɪt'fɔːwəd]adj. 直接的;明确的;2.elementary [elɪ'ment(ə)rɪ]adj. 基本的;初级3.accessibility [ək,sesə'bɪlətɪ]n. 可及性;可达性
