


Daily Life ‐ High School Reunion (C0287)
A: I hate coming to high school reunions.
B: It will be great honey. We will get to see your old classmates and catch up to see how they have been doing.
A: Yeah I guess so. Oh look! There is Robert Matthews! Rob!
C: Hey Bill! Wow great to see you!
A: Likewise! It’s been a long time! This is my wife Dorthy.
C: Pleasure to meet you. So Bill, how have you been?
A: Can’t complain! We have 2 children who are in college and my business is going well. What about you?
C: Ah you know me! I am a dedicated bachelor. I never married although I do have a beautiful daughter with Mary, you remember her? We were high school sweetheart, didn’t really work out between us, but I really can’t complain either.
A: That’s good. Have you seen Frank? I was hoping he would come tonight.
C: You didn’t hear? Frank passed away last year.
A: Are you serious?
C: Nah! I’m just yanking your chain. He’ll be here soon. I saw him just last week and he told me he would show up.

  • 英语天天见ABC

    1.High school reunion 中学聚会 2.catch up 见面 3.likewise (和别人一样的回答) 4.batchelor 单身汉 5.pass away=去世 6.I can't complain/can't complain=everything is alright 7.yanking your chain=I'm joking

    1x468447m0602 回复 @英语天天见ABC: Catch up: talk to someone whom one has not seen for some time in order to find out what they have been doing. 和一段时间未见的朋友谈论近况 Bachelor: 单身汉,学士。(not batchelor)

  • vampire_2s

    Englishpod是真的地道,各种俚语习语都能见到。居然还有这个yanking one's chain,拉某人的链子,哈哈,意思拿某人开涮can't complain这个英国人说的较多,意思是还将就,就那样吧

  • 鼹鼠的地下宫殿

    kiding you, yank your chain, joking at you

  • 乌苏遇上金龙泉


  • 文撕墨客

    yank your chain 开玩笑

  • 挪威森林777


  • 一头勤奋的猪


  • 大龙王_y0


  • 小头呼呼

  • VictorZi

    yank your chain