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C: I’ll go! It says that I am an extroverted, well balanced person. It says I am generous, outspoken, and very diligent. This is so true! It also says that I am magnanimous, eloquent and daring! This is totally me! A: Pfft whatever, these tests are bologna!
happycelery 回复 @财俊_0a: should be "boloney", not bologna
A: OK class, settle down. I have the results of your individual personality tests. I am going to hand them out and if you’d like, you can read them out loud to the rest of the class.
B: I’ll read mine! A: OK, go ahead. B: It says here that I am adventurous, outgoing and easy-going. It says that I am a little superstitious and occasionally naive! That’s not true!
A: The test isn’t one-hundred percent accurate. Is that all it says? B: No! It also says that I am open-minded with great ambition but that I can also be reckless and clumsy. This is stupid! A: Ok, anyone else want to read theirs?
1521126kmpw 回复 @听友91924563: 小熊维尼
润东听书 回复 @tlu2016: 哈哈哈
Superstitious 迷信的extrovert外向magnanimous宽宏的daring大胆的clumsy outgoing reckless Diligent Open- minded naive baloney胡扯
1373331oyal 回复 @1373331oyal: 2021.07.02
clumsy 笨拙 reckless 鲁莽 extroverted 外向性的 well balanced 通情达理 情绪稳定 diligent 坦率的 outspoken 勤奋的 magnanimous 宽宏大量的 eloquent 有口才的 daring 勇敢的 baloney 胡说八道 瞎扯
Kori_85h 回复 @Kori_85h: diligent和 outspoken写反了