Elementary ‐Daily Life ‐ Meeting the In‐laws (C0210)
Cindy: Mother, father, I’d like to introduce you to my fianc′ e, Bob.
Miranda: Hello, Bob. Welcome.
Bob: Thanks for having me. Nice to meet the both of you. I’ve heard so much!
ThurstonS:o Cindy told you about bringing home her last boyfriend, then? Hah, that idiot...
Miranda: Shhh! Thurston, you’re going to scare the poor boy. Come in and have a drink. Dinner will be on in just a bit.
ThurstonW: hat’ll you be having? Whiskey? Bourbon? Pick your poison!
Bob: If you have a lemonade that’d be great.
Miranda: Why sure, there’s some in the fridge!
Cindy: Mother makes her own lemonade from scratch. It’s the best!
ThurstonS:o what are your hobbies, son? If you want, we can do some hunting tomorrow. I’ve just picked up a new rifle I’ve been meaning to try out. Should be a real hoot!
Bob: Um. I’m not really. eh. I don’t really hunt.
ThurstonY:ou don’t hunt? Well I’ll be...
Cindy: Bob is an animal rights activist. He doesn’t believe in harming animals.
Miranda: Dinner’s ready! Let’s go out to the patio where the pig is roasting.
Bob: Roast pig? I’m a vegetarian.
nerve-racking 令人神经紧张的
Best English Pod!
this conversation is really awkward
patio 天井 露台 rifle 步枪 猎枪 activist 积极分子 激进主义分子