02-《高考必刷卷 42套》-安徽省合肥市2018年高三第一次教学质量检测

02-《高考必刷卷 42套》-安徽省合肥市2018年高三第一次教学质量检测


2019 高考必刷卷 42套听力

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Text 1

M: Beautiful day, isn’t it?

W: Yeah, but good time is always short. Weather forecast says cloudy skies and showers will occur tomorrow.

M: I thought I could go hiking with my friends then.

Text 2

W: I went to the cinema with my husband for our wedding anniversary last night.

M: That is really romantic. What is the name of the movie?

W: War for the Planet of the Apes. My husband was crazy about the movie. But for me, many things were full of violence.

Text 3

W: I’m not quite myself, but I really can’t afford to miss Mr. Hasabyss’s lecture on AI.

M: Don’t worry about it. All the lectures in our school are videoed and you can find the video on the school website.

Text 4

W: Hey, Jack. We’re going to have a barbecue this weekend, will you join us?

M: I’d love to, but I’ve promised to take part in a voluntary activity collecting rubbish in Baohe park.

W: I’m sorry, but can we change the date?

M: Sure.

Text 5

W: I’m sorry, sir. You can’t stay here for the night without your ID card.

M: Can I use my driving license instead, or can I just share the room with my friend?

W: I’m afraid not. Why not get a temporary ID card from a police station nearby?

M: OK. Thanks for the advice.

Text 6

M: Hi, Meg, you look kind of anxious, what’s wrong?

W: Well, our professor asked us to finish the book, The Remains of the Day, and write a 2000-word review of it. And it will be due by this Friday.

M: Oh, that’s too much. You’ve got only three days left. But the book is really worth reading. You know, it’s written by Nobel Price winner in literature this year.

W: I can’t agree more. It is a great book. But I need to practice tennis with my coach this Thursday.

Text 7

M: Can I take your order now, Madam?

W: Just a minute. Could you give me some recommendations as I’m new here?

M: Our shellfish and smoked deep sea fish spread are the daily chef’s special.

W: Thank you, but I’m allergic to sea food. Do you have beef steak?

M: Yes, how would you like it cooked?

W: Half done.

M: Do you need a mushroom soup or Cola to go with it?

W: I prefer some orange juice. By the way, can I use my credit card here? I don’t have much cash on me.

M: Oh, sorry, our POS machine is still under repair. Do you have AliPay on your phone? We accept AliPay.

W: Cool. My Chinese friend just taught me how to use it on my phone last week.

Text 8

W: What can I do for you, sir?

M: I need a pair of sneakers. My sports shoes suddenly broke while I was jogging with my friends. And my face went red for that.

W: What about these new arrivals? They’re specially designed for outdoor sports. Loyal customers say these shoes are really comfortable.

M: Could I try them on?

W: Sure, go ahead.

M: Yes, very comfortable indeed. I’m going to wear them next Wednesday for camping.

W: You must be a great lover for outdoor sports.

M: Yes, I once won the championship in a marathon. Oh, forgot to ask, how much are they?

W: They’re 200 dollars.

M: Could I have them in a lower price, like 15% off?

W: Well, if you have a member card, you could enjoy 5% off. But we have never offered discounts on new arrivals before, even if you have a member card.

M: OK, I’ll take them.

Text 9

W: How was your summer holiday, Michael?

M: Couldn’t be better. I went to Italy with friends and I had a great time there. You went to Italy last year, right?

W: Yes, I watched a football game there, and visited the Milan Cathedral.

M: So you went to Italy just for fun? I went there to improve my Italian in the University of Milan through an exchange program.

W: Yes, I went there to entertain myself. By the way, how was your life there? I mean, in Milan.

M: I should say I had a hard beginning, but the professors there were very nice and always helpful with my courses. I also learned how to use the public transportation of the city. All the things there were satisfying, except the accommodation.

W: Oh, the accommodation is always a challenge in big cities. Did you find some time to travel?

M: I had meant to visit the city Venice, but my friends insisted that I should take a trip to the Leaning Tower of Pisa. It was really a tiring wait to buy the tickets. But the waiting finally paid off, and it really made my day.

W: That’s for sure. Oh, there goes the bell. And I must be off now. See you next time.

M: See you.

Text 10

W: Dear listeners, have you noticed nowadays more and more people find it hard to live without various social media? And we often wonder whether modern people are still reading. Today we have Doctor Sam Roberts to share his opinions.

M: Dear friends, I’m happy to share the findings of my research. You probably think that people have less time to read books written in social medium. But the truth is that the book industry still remains big, especially paper books. According to a recent survey, 80% of Americans read both paper books and e-books in their spare time. For 40%, paper books are all they’ll read. Just 6% have switched to digital versions completely. However, we also face some problems. Sales of print books in America come to over 15 billion dollars in 2009. But for some reason, the figure began to drop only one year later. And it has dropped by almost half by 2017. The sales of the country’s e-books have also decreased. The average price of an e-book in America is about 9 dollars. That’s around one dollar more than a common paper book. So, it is still a little hard for e-books to compete with paper books. Hopefully the findings of my research will help you better understand the trend of reading and the states.

  • 听友125074072

    我也觉得12题选c 首先,售货员说:“这些新品怎么样?” 后面man 问有会员卡能不能打折 售货员说可以打折,but 新品不打折,即使有会员卡新品也不打折 所以还是原价

    顾亭林 回复 @听风听雨也听你YA: 你们两个有没有认真读题 原题是how much will the man pay with his member card?

  • Yvette333___


    听友184401752 回复 @Yvette333___: 加油,我目标也是一百三,现在只有100多

  • 莫言书

    第12题正确答案应该是C 请注意

    1385247jqak 回复 @莫言书: 她说的是你可以享受5%的优惠,但是你要知道,以前是没有这样的优惠的。(一次破例)

  • 虞渊DAYTOY

    12题说了没有给过新顾客这样的优惠,即使有member card 也没有这样的优惠

  • 优秀_g8


    不一样的二胖 回复 @优秀_g8: 多云和阵雨

  • 祖海吖


  • 听友122638967


  • certaintylk

    splendid. and. sophisticated

    听友44125024 回复 @certaintylk:

  • 彼此都那么的倔强_jv


    如初_16n 回复 @彼此都那么的倔强_jv: 加强锻炼就行,调整好心态

  • 7rings


    1587468webz 回复 @7rings: 现在完成时算现在的