Elementary ‐ Daily Life ‐ Dry Cleaners (C0172)
A: Thank god you are open! I have an emergency!
B: Hello Mr. Henderson what can I do for you?
A: I need this dress and this suit dry cleaned ASAP!
B: OK, I can have it ready by the end ofthe week.
A: No you don’t understand, I need this tomorrow morning! I accidentally spilled beer all over my wife’s dress and we have a wedding to attend tomorrow! She’s gonna kill me!
B: Ok, I can have it ready tomorrow afternoon, but this suit is also very stained. I can’t guarantee we can remove it completely.
A: Fine! Can you also iron and starch this shirt?
B: Certainly.
A: Great! This is our secret! If you see my wife, say nothing to her about this!
stain iron 熨烫 starch 上浆(衣物)
听友241954287 回复 @Kori_85h: iron也有铁的意思
1. to dry clearned 干洗 Dry Clearners 干洗店 2. stain 污渍 3. spilled sth 打翻液体,洒出 4. to Iron 熨烫 5. starch sth 给...上浆 1. Thank God! 谢天谢地 2. ASAP (as soon as possible) 尽快 3. the end of the week 这周末之前
spill over打翻 starch a shirt stain弄脏
ASAP:as soon as possible