一分钟经理人:One Minute Manager -14 (完)

一分钟经理人:One Minute Manager -14 (完)



Chapter 11:A Gift To Yourself

MANY years later, the man looked back on the time when he first heard of the principles of One Minute Management. It seemed like a long time ago. He was glad he had written down what he learned from the One Minute Manager.

He had put his notes into a book, and had given copies to many people.

He remembered Ms. Gomez’s telephoning to say, “I can’t thank you enough. It’s made a big difference in my work.” That pleased him.

As he thought back on the past, he smiled. He remembered how much he had learned from the original One Minute Manager, and he was grateful.

The new manager was also happy that he could take the knowledge one step further. By giving copies to many other people in the organization, he had solved several practical problems.

Everyone who worked with him felt secure. No one felt manipulated or threatened because everyone knew “up front” what he was doing and why


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