请关注:微信公众号:跟大熊玩英语 或者拼音:daxiong2017
This is Gus.
Gus is a small yellowgosling who likes to be by himself.
Gus sits in ahaystack, watching a tiny red spider spin a web.
Gus stands on a woodenbox in the barn.
He watches the micescamper along the beam.
Gus waddles to thepond.
He pokes his headunderwater.
Gus quietly watchesthe turtle scraping in the dirt.
Gus watches the turtleslip into the water.
Gus scoots to the holewhere the turtle was digging.
Gus peers down thehole.
He gently pokes in thedirt.
He sees three smalleggs.
He carefully sits onthe eggs.
He watches the barnmice scurry pas
He watches theraindrops.
He drowsily watches asnail sneak by in the moonlight.
Gus quietly sits andwatches.
Suddenly Gus feels theeggs move!
Gus hops off the eggs.
He watches the eggssplit open!
Three small greenheads peek out of the shells.
Gus stares at the tinyturtles. The baby turtles stare at Gus.
Gus is a small yellowgosling who likes to be by himself. Most of the time.