A Sailor Went to Sea 一个水手去海边

A Sailor Went to Sea 一个水手去海边


关注微信公众号:米乐英语亲子阅读 ,领取英语启蒙学习资料。私信小编领取更多福利哦。

A sailor went to sea sea sea

To see what he could see see see

But all that he could see see see

Was the bottom of the deep blue sea sea sea

Oh, Helen had a steamboat

The steamboat had a bell

When Helen went to heaven

The steamboat went to ______

Hello, operator,

Just give me number 9

If the line is busy

I'll kick your big ______

Behind the old piano

There was a piece of glass

Helen slipped upon it

And hurt her little ______

Ask me for a muffin

I'll give you some old bread

And if you do not like it

Just go and soak your head.

  • candyfun
